not eating enough formula help!

edited April 2012 in Solid Foods
my daughter is 7 months old today and does not like the bottle the only time i can get her to drink her formula is first thing in the morning and at bed time. she will normaly drink 6oz both times. her pedi said she should be getting 24oz a day even when she is eating soliids. she normally gets a fruit in the afternoon and a veggie and oatmeal at dinner. iam lucky if i can force another 6oz bottle during the day. what should i do about her not wanting formula anymore? she isnt supposed to go back to the docts for another 2 months. anyone else have this problem and is it ok or what did you do to get the 24oz a day in?


  • can you try offering the bottle before her afternoon and evening meals? maybe shes not taking it if she feels full from the solids shes getting?
  • Are you giving the bottle to her first, and then the food? Maybe just wait until she starts crying when she's hungry, and she'll take the whole 6oz.
  • I have the same problem i've been to two doctors that both told me as long as he's staying on the growth curve and not loosing weigh not to worry you can't force them to eat and if there eating baby food they might not take the bottle as much.I was panicking about it till I saw the second doctor he told me that Xavier is gonna do what he's gonna do and unless he's failing to thrive they won't do anything. I wouldn't panic to much
  • I have the same problem with my LO he is going to be 7 months on the 13th. The said give him more formula but he doesn't want it, I don't worry about it bc my oldest was the same way and he turned out fine.
  • No worries :) You baby won't starve herself!
  • @my2boys did tour older one have any problems eating after being taken off the formula?
  • Have you tried putting it in a sippy?
  • thank you everyone for the suggestions... @steph_due_101611 we have tryed two diffrent kinds of sippys and she cant quit get the hang of them yet but i give her juice maby twice a week depending on if she constipated or not and she only gets that from a sippy @JoshnEviesmum and @EricaK22 i am trying that starting today and giving oatmeal only once (at dinner) instead of twice. i make six ounces and sometimes she doesnt even drink that even when i make six ounces 90 percent of the time she always leaves a little.
  • My baby does the same thing now so I fix him smaller bottles and offer him more! In the morning I give him an 8 oz bottle but I make sure it has a big hole he drinks it all most days like that plus he doesn't wake up for feedings anymore! We also feed him baby food but not after 6 he gets bottles from there on out sometimes he finish sometimes he don't but we try about 30 minutes b4 the milk is bad and sometimes he finish it then. I was concerned BC he seems small his doctor said his weight is fine and he is healthy and he goes through diapers like crazy lol! Now if we could just get him to take naps lol since he is getting older he fights his naps like crazy! How is your baby with naps?
  • @2ndbutfirst she is not a picky eater at all but only when it comes to me mixing her oatmeal with the formula bc i tryed that and she spits it out everytime
  • @Hot2cold87 how old is ur son? she is pretty good with naps she takes a 15-30 min nap after being up for 2 hours so around 10am then goes down for an hour nap around 3. she normally sleeps through the night even when she got her two bottom teeth in but i just noticed it looks like she is getting top teeth in so that might be why she is getting up once a nite for a bottle and why she isnt eating as much at once
  • My baby will be 7 months on the 7th and not one single tooth yet I thought maybe he was getting some so that's why he stopped eating so much but idk...and sometimes he will take naps fine lately he throws a fit he looks tired but soon as he gets into his crib forget about it or he will fall asleep and we try to take him after doesn't work so he naps when he wants to basically ... is your lo crawling yet? She is beautiful by the way :X
  • thanks! no not even interested in crawling she hates being on her belly urs? how often do you feed him? and does he get oatmeal fruits and veggies? or any meat?
  • I started back working so not really sure I know his daddy feeds him 2 jars a day I told him fruit for lunch veggies for dinner lol no telling if he listened! But he have a 5 oz bottle when he eats n I make him an 8 oz b4 I leave and we offer a bottle ever 3 hrs. He doesn't get meat I taste every thing we feed him and there is no way I'm trying that meat lol. N he doesn't like the cereals. He does not crawl he scoots and roll everywhere he needs to go lol he tried something yesterday but he couldn't get on his knees looked like he was doing push ups lol.
  • awww lol well atleast hes trying my daughter has no interest wat so ever... we try everything she eats as well and since i tryed the formula wich is soy so even worse daddy got to try the chicken she had for the first time last night lol i thought it was pretty funny. she wasnt a big fan either unless i out a little squash on the spoon as well.
  • @stella not really, he did not put on weight or grow for a while, but I think that was just due to how active he was and him not wanting to sit and eat. He did not fully go off it until after a year.
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