i cant calm her down!

edited April 2012 in Babies
When my baby is fussing either in her bed if she wakes up, or any time during the day I can't calm her down without picking her up. If I try to calm her by talking, singing or stroking her she gets even more upset. My friends baby is complete opposite she can sing to him and pat his back and he falls asleep and if he wakes she does it again and he falls back asleep. I don't get it! Aren't babies supposed to be calmed by their mothers voice??


  • Sounds like your baby just needs some physical comfort :) Nothing wrong with that!
  • My baby is the same way I try to talk to her an she laughs an screams at the same time lol
  • Sometimes they just want held. Seeing you and hearing your voice without picking her up probably makes her even more mad lol. Aadyn is like that too. He has to be attached to mamas hip whenever he is awake. Its just a stage that eventually she will grow out of (and you'll miss it!) My 4yr old never wants held or cuddled anymore :(
  • download baby soothing sounds on android
  • my son's like that too. he'll be 7 months on friday. nothing else works but cuddling him lol no mobiles, no sound apps...just rocking. a lot of the time he can put himself back to sleep but when he can't he get awful pissed and needs to be cuddled.
  • Each child is different and its hard to compare your baby to someone elses because you guys aren't parenting the same.... You're not the same person and your babys aren't the same child. Try not to compare your baby because you'll only go CrAzY. I'm sure your baby has 1 up on her baby in another category ;-)

    As a baby, child and adolescent my 8 year old absolutely hated to be patted on her back.. as a baby she didn't want anyone to hold her or her bottle.. she preferred to be proped up. At 6 months she screamed if we placed her in her crib but when we placed her in her twin bed and closed the door she laid there and went to sleep.

    Now this all threw me for a loop.

    Haylee my 8 month old is totally opposite as was my 10 year old and my 19 year old. NONE of them were anything alike.

    Hang in there.
  • Thanks everyone :) its just a bit hard sometimes!
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