Am I the only one?

edited April 2012 in Birth Stories
My mother in law and my mom love my son Noah (he was born august 2011) and they are always asking me when I'm going to have another. I know I would like to within the next two years but lately just the though of going through labor again makes me panic! Like sweaty hands, heart racing sort of deal. I had a horrible labor that lasted 17 hrs. I got to the hospital at 3cm and didn't get the epi until 5 cm. I was without the epidural for 4 hrs because that's how long it took me to get to 5cm and let me tell you that I can still remember the pain and I never want to experience that again. I was hitting everything around me and on the verge of passing out. The nurses kept yelling my husband to hold my hands because I was going to hurt myself. Then after the woo everything was better but my pain never completely went away because they said I had an air bubble in my belly that wasn't allowing the meds to work in that area. Ughhh! So I just dealt with that for the rest of my labor. My son was 9.5 lbs and gave me a 3rd degree tear which later got infected and because of this I couldn't even mover for the 3 weeks pp. I love my baby and wish I could be brave enough to do it again like some of you ladies but I just don't know if I am :(


  • Meee too! So annoying to But my labor was 32hrs. I went to the hospital a Week after my due date to be induced...I was 1/2 a centimeter dilated. they broke my water, got the epi at 6cm..stopped dilating. The next morning I started to dilate quicker, got to 9 1/2 cm & was stuck there for 8hrs :o & out of the 8 I was pushing for 7...i had a high fever & my blood pressure was going really low so I had an emergency c-section. But my son was perfectly healthy. 7lb.1oz 20 1/4in. :D if I have anymore babies...I will DEFINITELY have a c-section
  • Oh man you had it rough too! The thing is that even though I was in tons of pain I'm even more scared of a c-section. That's what kept me from passing out! Cuz I didn't want a c-section lol
  • Lol I didn't want one either, I was terrified of it. But compared to my labor, c-section was a HUGE relief. & the recovery was quick, had to take pain meds for a couple Weeks but once I stopped taking them I wasn't in anymore pain
  • Well I guess I'm going to let time works its magic. Hopefully I will forget the pain and want to get pregnant lol
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