Help please!!! Concussion for baby?

edited April 2012 in Babies Health
My son fell and hit his forehead on the corner of my laptop. The nurse said to keep him awake for a couple hours. It's well past his nap time and I'm having a hard time keeping him awake. He's been very alert and is eating his bottle just fine, not throwing up out anything else. It happened a little over an hour ago. If I let him just fall asleep will he be OK? Or should I keep trying to stimulate him to stay awake?


  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • OK thank you! I'm freaking out :(
  • It's fine :) They say to not let them go to sleep because you cannot tell if they are exhibiting strange symptoms like unfocused eyes, vomiting, etc. Hope your baby feels better! They're resilient!
  • David hit his head on the corner of our coffee table (luckily its mostly a round edge) but he had an instant goose egg and it looked awful but since he was alert and seemed to be acting totally normal, I let.him go to sleep about 2 hours later. Im sure hes fine hun
  • Thanks, he's asleep in my arms right now. I'm sure he'll be fine, I'm just a worry wart. I'm not gonna leave him alone at all today!
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