help morning sicknesss

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
Any sugjestions on how to calm it down or something?


  • Saltines when u get up kinda get up slowly not to fast gingerel I heard helps
  • When I felt sick when I got up In the AM, I was so frustrated..but then I started eating a toasted pb&jelly sandwich and I didn't get sick. I'm guessing the peanut butter coated my tummy.. also don't drink a lot while your eating. That still makes me sick. Try to drink after ur meal/snack
  • I got these motion sickness bracelets from rite aid for $8 they really work but I kept them on too long and my hand swelled. LOL don't keep them on all day. And I was sick from morning to night and even some times thru the night. Good luck
  • @Nessas _ttc alright ill make sure I don't get up too fast and try those tooo thanks

    @heatherlynn that was very helpfull ill try that too and I guess that's what I did wrong I drank a lot of fluids ;;)
  • call ur doctor and see if you can get an Rx for Zofran...if you search it theres a forum on here about it...lots of ladies used it and swear by it! I did too and it was my best friend!
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