I need help..suggestions/advice please

edited April 2012 in Breastfeeding
My son will be five months on the 18th of this month and has been breastfed/bottle fed with pumped milk. I hope to start back working soon and Im concerned because one of the possible jobs would be 12 hour shifts either night or day. I do not make enough I dont think...when I do pump its like three to four ounces on a good day maybe five ounces but then thats all for the day! When I pump that much I freeze it. In the beginning I had so much milk and was able to freeze more but that supply is gone with the move across country and everything. Sorry if Im rambling, I guess my major concern is if I have to put him on formula which is best and easiest to transition to from breastmilk and when is a good time to introduce him? If I could find away to increase my milk and still be able to breastfeed I would love to but then there is also the concern of being able to pump while at work.. any help would be appreciated.

Thanks for reading


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  • @HomeBirthAdvocate about how many days do you think will go by till you see a difference in supply after pumping/feeding every 1&1/2 hours
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  • Id start 2 weeks before.

    What i did was:

    Wake up, pump.
    Feed baby
    Pump afgain before baby is hungry.
    ... there WILL ALWAYS be milk for baby after you pump, before his feed. I PROMISE!

    Pump 4-5-6 times a day NOW while you arent working

    freeze 4oz at a time.

    Once you statr working. Give yourself 2hrs of time. Pump when you wake up & if baby happens to eat first thats fine. Feed, shower, then pump.

    Get ready. If baby is going to sitter, plan for enough time THERE to feed him before you have to leave for work.

    Once at work.. pump 1hr after arriving

    Then 2hrs later
    Then 2hrs again..

    Keep it every 2 hours!

    Take fenugreek 3 pills 3 times a day. Bkfst, lunch, dinner. Takes 3-4 days to notice a difference.

    Call sitter when you are heading home, you can feed baby there or pump as son as you get there, if baby isnt hungry.

    It works!
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