What are your 8 monthers up to?

edited April 2012 in Ages & Stages
So jacey turned 8 months on march 30th.. Hes crawling all over and pulling himself up on the couch or anything that he can walk along.. He's saying mama quite often, but no other words.. Hes been very clingy lately and I cant set him down and be out of his sight for two seconds without him crying and crawling after me.. but hes my lil snuggle buggy.. Hes got his 2 and a half bottom teeth lol and he has his two eye teeth, fangs, lol hes my lil vampire baby, I was surprised when they came before the front ones... Hes my smiley pride and joy.. I love him more and more every day!!!


  • When he was weighed a couple weeks ago he weighed 22 lbs..
  • My lo is not crawling, walking, holding her self up or sitting up, not even if I sit her up. She will just fall right over:( I'm starting to worry about her! At her 6 month check up the pedi said that if she wasn't sitting up alone soon she would be very worried. I sit her in the bumbo seat and high chair when I'm not sitting to support her. I just don't know what else I can do. What did you do to help your lo learn to sit up?
  • Oh and she was 16.9 lbs at her 7 month visit!
  • My Babys 15 lbs something, she crawls and just stood up today for the first time. She's like you said if I walk out of the room she frantically crawls after. She has two bottom teeth she only says baba
  • edited April 2012
    Lily is run-crawling, pulling herself up on anything she can and walking along objects. She is starting to open drawers and does a half stand - where she crawls then stands flatfooted with her hands on the ground. She is daddys girl and is constantly saying dadah when she sees him. Not sure if it's coincidence or recognition. She doesn't do it to me.

    They grow up so fast!
  • Kaylee is doing it all...crawling, pulling up, just basically getting into everything. She also has been saying dada; bf has been rubbing it in my face! She doesn't have any teeth yet though.
  • Tessa turned 8 months yesterday. She weighs 20 lbs, is sitting up, and trying to crawl so hard!! She can work herself backwards pretty well lol. She laughs at everything, especially the cats and pictures of herself :) She's so silly. She's getting clingy too, but its good because its a sign that their memory is getting stronger and that they understand we exist even out of sight :) She's my little buddy and I love her SO much I can't even explain it!! :X
  • My baby boy is crawling, pulling up, says mama and bye bye. He has his 2 bottom teeth. He can sit himself up all by himself.. Hes ALWAYS happy. We go for his 9mo check up april 11.. Hes definaly a mamas boy!!
  • edited April 2012
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  • Mine weighs 25 lbs! He can sit, loves to stand, cant crawl but hes slowly learning, he cries if anyone leaves but is a daddas boy. He can say mam but only when crying lol. Eats anything and is stunning :)
  • @second_time_mommy7 I also worry about Charlie and he had to have physio checks, she said to give them as much tummy time as possible because when they lift their head the build the back mucsles which are needed to sit, so try that but dont get stressed babies really do learn at their own pace and have yoü noticed that shes forward in babbling or fine motor skills? Because some babies only work on one skill at a time untill its perfected and one more tip which iv had to do is leave them to get frustrated, dont hold her sitting, just prop her up and put pillows so she cant bang her head and when she falls, leave her abit so that she knows shes got to try more and that your not there to always help because they get lazy lol :)
  • @second_time_mommy7 I agree with tashalou, I've also heard that babies will work on one skill at a time.. And I would sit jace in the middle of his boppy pillow with a ton of other pillows around it so he'd be ok if he fell over, or sometimes I would sit on the floor with my legs spread and him sitting in front of me, using me for support.. Jacey never really cared for his bumbo at all, plus his thighs were to chubby to fit in it lol!!!!
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