drink lots of fluids. also barley water helps with uti"s, so see if u can get some and drink lots of it. For the Anemia, green vegetables help as they contain iron.
Its better to take liquid iron. It wont constipate you. Did they give you antibiotics? That will help soon with the pain, they work pretty quickly to get rid of the infection.
Take a high dosage cranberry pill. That way you only have to take one a day. And the cranberry juice has to be 100% pure cranberry juice, none of the cocktail stuff
I have zero clue if it's safe while preggo but Ago Standard gets rid of uti pain and quickly. You can find it at any pharmacy. But ask your Dr first. And definitely get cranberry pills! I take them every time I have sex and then just randomly when I remember. I used to get chronic uti's. For some reason my body is unable to fight them off. Used to have to take prescription meds every day. Luckily I've gotten under control with more herbal stuff now. Your body gets used to the antibiotics. Good luck, hope you feel better soon! They really suck!
Make sure you drink plenty of fluids and high fiber foods because they constipate and you'll just go from one misery to the next. I was severely anemic after my ruptured ectopic and had to take two doses/day. I can't stress fruits and veggies enough. Feel better soon!
Oh and for the anemia I was severely anemic while preggo and had to take 3 pills a day. I took stool softeners and a metamucil pill every day to keep me regular. Still had to have a blood transfusion after I gave birth, I couldn't stay concious (sp)