really frustrated

edited February 2011 in Military moms
I'm 10 wks today I haven't seen a doctor yet and I was supposed to go in on wed but they have decided to cancel my appt and I can't get ahold of them to reschedule it. I have tricare so I its a military doctor. They never have any open appts so I'm afraid it'll be weeks until I can get in. I don't know what to do I'm not ok with waiting I always get scared somethings wrong and I know I won't be able to relax until I see me baby healthy on an us.


  • Lol dont worry you'll be find alot of doctors wont even see you untill your 12 weeks but if your having problems tell them and they will squeeze you in some kind of way but i know the feeling when i dont go and just hear the heartbeat or see it squirming around i get worried lol good luck
  • I understand! I'm 8 weeks and 5 days, and medical couldn't see me until March 8th. Ugh
  • Tricare sucks...what i would do is actually go to your doctors office...or clinic depending on if your being seen on base or off and demand to be rescheduled...ubfortunatly tricare probably wont give you a different doctor....
  • the funny thing is im in hampton roads and we have about 5 clinics and im willing to go to any of them yet it is taking forever to get an appt and ive actually been on the phone for 30 mins so far trying to reschedule and theyve actually hung up on me once as well im goin
  • You can go to the hospital tell them you are pregnant And cramping really bad and you want to make sure everything is OK at the emergency room they will see you and do an ultrasound. Or try a different Dr office all together. Sorry for your luck drs are frustrating
  • Smh....gotta love uncle sam! Lol
  • Thanx all. Finally after two hrs I have my appt for thurs I only have to go all the way to portsmouth but hey I'm happy now
  • Good for you! I had the same thing happen with me with scheduling a private always hear the horror stories about the military side but this is the complete opposite for me. I have always had an awesome experience with the military Dr, its this new private Dr that is for the birds. Give me an uncle Sam's Dr any day!
  • We went to the clinic by our housing and fixed my tricare because I just moved to Va from Cali, and their policy is I have to go to a new parent class before I can even see an OBGYN. So on the 29th after a month and two days of finding out from a home pregnancy test I'll finally be able to go in for a blood test! At least on the 4th will be my obgyn appointment.
  • If I were you I would call tricare to get your pcm changed.
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