cramping at 10 1/2 weeks

edited April 2012 in Pregnant
This past weekend I been having these weird mild cramping that sometimes shoot sharp pain in my butt in back. If I'm laying down the cramps are much more noticeable to were I feel uncomfortable. My doctor said its normal. Just as long as there isn't any bleeding. Which I'm not!!! Has anyone experience this before and should I be concerned??


  • I had severe cramping for the first month after I found out I was pregnant. But never bled. All should be good without blood!
  • It could be bc of your uterus stretching
  • @Mom2ING its my whole abdomen. I have an appt tomorrow morning because today I had a little blood in my discharge.
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  • @Mom2ING... thanks, its OK it was just that one time of light spotting. I haven't had any spotting since. My doctor doesn't seem worried so he just said come in first thing in the morning to get checked. He would have said go into the er If something was really wrong I guess. I just have to wait until the morning to make sure baby is OK. I'm 10weeks almost 11.
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  • I had cramps like that my first tri it was really bad gas pain >.< embarrassing but now in my second i am fine :D And my little girl is healthy. I hope all is well with you
  • No need to go to the ER if you have a doctor's appointment under 20 weeks unless you're in a ton of pain, considering they can't do anything for ya but pain control. Bleeding during pregnancy is never "normal", but doesn't always indicate something serious. :)

    I had a tooonnn of period-like cramping throughout my first trimester with both of my children! That's what fooled me into thinking I was going to get my period. Hope everything is okay!
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