amber necklace?

edited April 2012 in Ages & Stages
So how do these work? And where is the best place to get them. Think i wanna get one asap


  • I don't have one yet, but I'm told they are made of amber resin containing succinic acid - a natural analgesic. When baby wears it, the succinic acid is absorbed through the skin to provide continuous pain relief. You're supposed to make sure it's real amber (not manufactured). In NH we have a baby store that carries them. Some health food/natural stores like Whole Foods are starting to carry them, or you can look online of course. Some also recommend "charging" them by leaving them in the sun for a few hours....hope it works for you!
  • Inspired by
    great site they give all info on them, make sure you get unpolished Baltic amber the lighter and cloudyer the better, also the baby does not chew on them!
  • @babyinblack682 ill do my best but my 5 mo old puts everything in her mouth. What happens if she does out it in her mouth?
  • They're usually too short to get to their mouth. At least the one I have is (& my daughter is by no means a big kid)
    I love love love it.
  • I just ordered one off of etsy for less than 18$ with shipping and can't wait until it gets here! I've been told they work wonders :)
  • I had such great results with my lo I got one for myself rofl

    I got my sons from
    And mine from

    Also the light and milkier the color the better it works and try to go with unpolished.
    Mine is butter or lemon my sons is honey.
    They normally attach by plastic screw , and each one is individually knotted.
    My son is 16 pounds and his necklace is 11' andd still has room to grow along with it being to short for him to suck on
  • Yes, they help with pain. Joint pain, headaches. I currently have a cavity and can't get it taken care of right away and when I don't wear it I feel it and when I do I forget I have one. I had what should have been a very bad sinus headache the other day but it was very mild. My sinus headaches can get very bad and make me sick.
    It also helps boost your immune system. has a great explanation for them. I love it
  • I got mine for under $10 including shipping from and got the bracelet and just put it on my sons ankle. Just got it in the mail yesterday.
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