I can't get her on a schedule :/

edited April 2012 in Babies
And its driving me crazy! I'm a sahm, why am I have such a problem with this, she wakes up around 5:30, then naps about every 2 hours and her naps range from 10 minutes to 2 hours (i never know). I'm semi ok with her napping when she wants, i have nothing else to do, but when she goes down at 3 or 4 and sleeps until 5, wakes up tired and wants to go back to sleep for the night, i can't push her bedtime back and besides letting her cry its impossible to keep her up. I miss sleep! (she also still wakes up several times a night) she's 6 monthd and i cant keep my eyes open in the morning


  • Try to keep her busy as much as you can and try to take for for a stroller ride when you want her to nap. She may nap longer but decrease the frequency of her naps. Just a thought. It's tough being a SAHM because babies tend to nap more frequently during the day. I would put my daughter in a bjorn facing outward and go walking, shopping and what not. It kept her quiet and up. She's been sleeping through the night since 4 weeks.
  • I had help from family to keep my baby up. I'm not a SAHM but Im military and work weird hours every so often so in order to sleep I started when my LO was 2 months old. I had my in laws come over and play with here and visit her. We basically kept her up and would only let her nap so much 2-3 hours at a time. Every night i would try to keep her up til 7. I would either give her a bath and a warm bottle before. Or I would just give her the bottle then rock her before putting her to bed. Same time same thing every night until she reliezed it was "Night night". She would cry but every so often I would go in there and rock her some more before putting her back in her crib. It took a couple of weeks but finally she slept through the whole night and still continues to do that 9 months later. I never used cereal or anything in her bottle. So I agree with @crisjoe I would try not to let her nap so much and just keep her on a schedule. She wont get it at first but keep trying. I'll be doing it this time around when I have my son
  • edited April 2012
    Thanks @crisjoev and @kayliegh27 i'll try harder, she's sitting up so i'm gonna put her in the basket when we shop, she loves sleeping in her carseat. We had a great night time routine, but now she doesn't like baths and because of that last nap she'll sometimes go to bed at 6:30 or if i try to keep her up she fights sleep and its exhausting. I guess i gotta suck it up for a better outlook in the long run
  • I would write the schedule out and try to follow it exactly, that way you wont forget and it will be easy to get her used to it.
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