who else hates

edited April 2012 in Babies
It when your lo has a new/cute outfit on and they have a blow out? Mine just did. It was a new outfit and so cute and WHITE...I hope its not ruined :-(


  • Ugh that is the worst! My LO had a HUGE blow out right before my SILs wedding started...so he didnt even get his pic taken in it! BOO! I bought that outfit specifically for that event!
  • @britt21 my lo insist on having a blow out in every single white onesis I put on her. Never the black ones though lol
  • @mom2ing trixie too..its awful!
    @ashley_smashley awe that sucks! My lo had spit up on her Easter outfit before anyone saw her.
    @sjmomof3 I know! I'm like seriously can't we have one nice white onsie?! Lol
  • Tell me why naliyah just did this earlier lol...I was trying just to go to walmart and it took me 2 hours to leave the house!!! Naliyahs was white too...I put strain remover real fast and threw it in the washer cause it was brand spanking new!!!!
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  • @Girlsloveink87 my lo just did that today too lol I take the onesie off by putting her arms through the neck hole and slide it down over her bum lol

    COLD WATER! Soak in cold and then wash in cold! probably too late if its already been washed though
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  • it happened a couple times because my daughter likes to poop only once a day or every other day so she has alot of blow outs...i spray on dreft stain remover and throw it in the washer with oxyclean then i rewash it with dreft lol
  • @newmomma13 yea I never leave the house when I want to..its always something..on Easter I was putting her in her carseat and she decided to spit up in the process lol.
    @girlsloveink87 yea I immediately took it off and sprayed it with stain remover, I had other things in the washer otherwise it would've been washed. I get more poo on me than her, but I guess I'm easier to clean up than she is lol.
    @heyitsme I heard that the hotter the water the more it removes stains..our washer says "most soiled clothes wash in hot water" I would've never thought to take it off that way. Does it stretch out the neck hole out?
  • @myheartzx3 we use shout and then I wash with tide free and clear..dreft is way too expensive here.
  • @Britt21 hmmm I've always used cold and it works!
    My onesies don't get stretched but my lo is skinny minnie lol plus most have the neck buttons to make it wider
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  • @heyitsme who knows everyone does laundry differently lol. We don't have many shirts with the buttons on the neck.
    @rileyandme sometimes it works and sometimes not...idk but I hope it works this time lol
  • @britt21 hot sets stains. If you dye something you boil it in the dye color to get it to set then rinse with cold so the opposite is true to get stuff out. I put Tide free on it and let it set for an hour, rinse with cold, put more tide on and put it in the wash. I don't have one stain, and that is not an exaggeration. My lo just turned 6 months and would have blow outs at the baby sitter weekly.
  • @momaynot never heard of that, we have always washed stuff like that. Thats how my dad washed all of our clothes growing up that way and still does. I guess I will find out when I open up the washer and pull it out lol
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