Breastfeeding mommies with vampire babies

edited April 2012 in Breastfeeding
Lily will be 9 months on the 15th and I still breastfeed. She has 5 teeth and I'm finding they hurt my nipples at times. Any of you having this issue? It's not a painful hurt, but more a nagging irritating discomfort.


  • Yep! Ollie just has two bottom ones and I find when he is especially tiered he tends to use them to keep my nipple in his you said it doesn't hurt...just kinda annoying. Lol but sometimes if there is a lot going on while I am feeding him, he will full in bite me, hold my nipple in his mouth abd turn his head around just to see what's up! Now that hurts!
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  • Yeah I do the stern NO but I am such a sucker. He will look at me with those big brown eyes and I just melt and then he smiles and I can't hold mt stern face lol...I am a sucker
  • Oragel on your nips helps with the annoyance.

    Lilium started biting and what I have to do (when no isn't working and she won't release) is ***GENTLY*** hold her nose for a few (one or two) seconds until she lets go. It sounds cruel, I know, however she doesn't cry at all just gives me a nasty look. After she let's go I put her down/refuse to let her nurse for a minute or so.
  • Oh, not that I'm glad it happens to you ladies, I was just worried that I was again the unfortunate one. I've been fortunate that she hasn't bitten me. I'm not looking forward to that.

    It makes sense that night feedings would be more uncomfortable since her jaw is more relaxed.

    Thanks for your input.
  • My little guy is 6months an although he dnt hav any teeth yet he has recently startd to clamp down an even with his gums its irritating. So...i tried the stern no. An he laughs at me. Everytime :/
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