It's April 18th...AF showed up this morning.

edited April 2012 in Just for Fun
Oh here it is > . < No, wait...that's not the right period. Hm...

Miss Addison was born on Jan. 14th and by March 9th, I was ovulating...awkward during a postpartum pelvic exam. lol I started my period 10 days later, but because I had to have a suspicious lump removed from my vag area, I couldn't put my nuvaring in and was put back on postpartum sex for 4 weeks. Needless to say, once the stitches were removed (about 3 weeks) was on. We used protection &/or pullout method. And I am positive I ovulated this month. we are...late already. I am cramping, cranky, having headaches, and exhausted and the only thing I've seen so far is a tiny amount of old blood. I will give her a few more days before I test.

Maybe this post will scare my period into making an peeing on a stick does sometimes. lol


  • LOL! AF is MIA for me too. Lets worry together! *chewing finger nails*

  • Me too I am 9 days well 10 days today thought I started last night had a lil bit of blood tmi had a tampoon in all night nd only like 5 drops of blood
  • @mijita lol Hubby was like...oh well. Haha. We set a date like 2 weeks ago, for September, to revisit having another baby. lol How late are you?

    *constant urge to go to the bathroom just to see if I've started* haha
  • @skysma I've done It's like, oh I can go about my day without worrying if I should have put a pad on...only to yank that tampon out and see...HAHA jokes on you! lol Ugh...out bodies are great pranksters.
  • I'm not technically late, yet. Im at 30 days and I'm usually 32-34 days regular. My only concern is I'm on mini pill and last 3 cycles I've started during the last week of pills. I've been crampy all week so I'm just waiting. Hope not too long. Lol.
  • :) I even tried rough sex with the hubby (it's worked before) and the only thing I had was a good time. lol *sigh* I shall body is usually very on top of my cycle, 28-30 days, so I guess I will know soon!
  • Im glad someone is worrying with me lol. Im 2 days late, an hoping af comes soon.
  • @emy Welcome to the club! \:D/
  • Mmm, did someone say rough sex?!?! :-"
  • At least if I am, it will be a December baby (hopefully). I already have 2 January babies!
    Nathan (Jan 16, 2006)
    Addy (Jan 14, 2012)
  • I know I'm like wth
  • @wyattsmommy what???? Lol I'm going nuts trying to figure out what it could be I don't randomly spot never have
  • *do do do do do do do....* (Jeopardy) Aunt Flo sure is elusive...
  • Thank you :) i am taking a preg test tonight (i cant sit back an wonder lol ) hoping for a negative
  • Keep every one updated ladies!
  • @emy Good luck!

    @alwayzbeenurz2008 I know I will! lol
  • edited April 2012
    @misskristin, AF came, aknocking today. Lol.
  • edited April 2012
    @mijita Lucky! lol

    I tested this morning and it was negative, but still no period and my boobs ache now. :/ I also keep having dark blood tinged mucus/mucus globs. The cramping eased up a lot since Sunday. Hm...I wonder what is going on with my body.
  • @emy What was the outcome of your test?

    @skysma Hope you get some answers soon!
  • Mine is mia also. Not sure exactly when it was due but I know it should have been here by now. I'm ebf so I'm hoping a recent growth spurt has just delayed it. I CANNOT have another baby right now -_-
  • Negative....thank god lol... But still no af
  • @emy @skysma @mijita @alwaysbeenurz2008 Woke up to AF this morning! I have a feeling her late appearance will make for a rough few days! On the upside, I get to finally start birth control (nuvaring) next week! \:D/
  • edited April 2012
    @misskristin, #:-s

    Now behave until then, lol!
  • @mijita Shouldn't be hard to behave. Although we weren't trying, we would have gladly welcomed another child. :)
  • Well took another test another super faint positive and yay
  • Ya a lil nervous tho
  • Yay!! \:D/ congrats!!
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