ear scratching and mosquito bite?

edited April 2012 in First time moms
my sons 7 months today and he's been scratching both his ears for the past week hes even scratched it so bad that he cut himself with his nails so i have to watch his nails all the time. is it an ear infection? hes not being fussy or anything hes been the same no fever either they dont look weird neither? and as for the mosquito bite he got bit yesterday should i put anything on it or just leave it?


  • My son does the same. His ped said its normal for babies to dig in their ears. But take him to the peds to make sure it isn't an infection.

    Breastmilk is good to put on mosquito bites.
  • no breastmilk :/
  • You can put bicarb paste on mozzi bites and as for the ears, maybe an earache? are his cheeks flushed? My little girl has been pulling on her ears the past few days, I just put it down to her realising that she has them. Shes 6 months.
  • edited April 2012
    @JoshnEviesmum no flushed cheeks he seems and looks normal. but hes not pulling his ears just scratching :(
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