burning sensation (tmi)

edited April 2012 in Breastfeeding
So all day yesterday after I was done feeding my lo I would get this burning sensation on my nipple but only on the left one. I hadn't noticed it before absurd haven't had any problems today, so it was just yesterday. I change my pads often and they are washed often. Anyone else have this problem? I checked my lo's mouth and I haven't seen any white spots indicating thrush.


  • Was it possibly your let down? It is kind of like a tingle sensation. I never felt it with my first child but with my second I did.
  • No cause I have a hard let down so it is painful and its only after she eats not before or during. @second_time_mommy7
  • Hmm.. I don't know what that could be then hopefully someone else can help!
  • edited April 2012
    I experienced burning when I had thrush. It's one of the telltale signs of thrush- may be it. Your LO may have not gotten it from you yet.
  • @second_time_mommy7 thank you anyways

    @captivated but I don't have it today...it was just yesterday...she was stretching it out a ton yesterday so maybe that was the cause of it..cause it got worse at night, at night it felt like it was on fire.
  • Nipple trauma LOL
    I get that sometimes if my baby pulls off quickly too many times and they will burn and sometimes itch a bit but it goes away after she's been a good nurser
  • @heyitsme lol I guess that's what it was because I haven't had any problems today thank god cause it hurt a ton lol I was scared it was thrush.
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