feeling down and deppressed!!

edited April 2012 in Second Trimester
I really don't know what to do anymore I just want to cry. I don't even want to leave the house anymore. Can never be bothered going to work. Ad rather stay home in bed. Am not enjoying my pregnancy. Infact right now I hate being pregnant. I am angry all the time. Angry at all my family plus my partner. Someone please help!!. Is anyone feeling this way or am I the only one?. X


  • I was that way when pregnant with my son. It's a form of depression, and it may be worth it to you to get into the doctors before it gets worse. They can suggest, or prescribe, something that will help you feel better. Hugs to you hon, I was just diagnosed with Major Depression, so I understand what you're going thru.
  • Try doing something that makes u happy during your free time....yoga helps to relieve stress and anger! I'm sure you're not the only one feeling this way. Those hormones can really have u feeling some kind of way.
  • My LO is 9 months now and I started with postpartum depression about 2.5 to 3 after she was born. I am now in therapy and it's helping. I would strongly suggest you talk to someone before it gets worse. I waited too long and regret it. I thought I could cope on my own. Big mistake. Keep your head up!
  • Definitely talk to your Dr, I was the same way and ended up getting suicidal in my last couple months. Just make sure you do your research on any pills they prescribe. My Dr said what she gave me was completely safe while pregnant than after I read about it I didn't feel OK about taking it. I had my parents constantly watching me and laying outside in the sun pretty much all day long helped me some. You can also see a therapist! Don't let it get worse!
  • @LilSugarsMomma thanks means a lot. @Tootsie08 thanks but that's the problem I think about doing my favourite things then I can't be bothered. It's horrible feeling like this. @Mijita I am really scared because I am not enjoying the pregnancy does that mean I won't want anything to do with my baby boy when he is born? @smcox I don't feel like I could be suicidal but I do feel like ad be better off dead. I can't be bothered living anymore. I don't like feeling like this. It makes me feel guilty sometime though. Like I should be really enjoying it. Av always wanted babies I love then. But this is hard. X
  • Honey, suicidal thoughts are very serious. Even if you don't think you're "suicidal", the fact that you feel better off dead is a very serious warning sign. It was my first step in suicidal thoughts, and they got to the point of me plotting everything out. I started planning it all out, then realized I needed help. Please, let someone know, you need help asap.
  • Thinking you would be better off dead is right there with suicidal. I didn't get to the point of planning it out, but I often broke down and would tell my husband and parents to just get Damien out of me so Derek can have his child and I can just "go away" it got really bad one night my parents just about took me to the mental ward of the hospital, I begged them not to. Please take this seriously and talk to your Dr! Trust me, untreated it only gets worse! I got horrible post partum too, I am begging you to not take this lightly!
  • I had depression during my third tri, right after giving birth, and am going through it again right now. I haven't left the house in days, I'm angry at everyone, I have little patience. Take care of it now, before you get to where I am. You deserve to be happy.
  • edited April 2012
    @star1990, yes a feeling of disassociation towards your child can and has happened. It's very common with the baby blues and postpartum depression. Please don't think this means that you are a failure or a bad mom. We are human and we deal with stress and change in very different ways. You have to understand you are going through many changes, both physically and physiologically. I strongly suggest if you have the means to either seek therapy and/or a support group. I think it's important for you to know that you are not alone and help is available to you, all you gotta do is seek it. That's the first and hardest step.

    I'm just getting home from a 2 hour therapy session. I'm dealing with accomplishment and feelings of being a failure. I am finding that therapy is the best thing for me right now.

    Good luck, and please don't wait until it's too late.
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