best method to get your baby to sleep at night when he keeps crying in his crib

edited April 2012 in Babies


  • Darn I thought you had suggestions! hahaha
  • Start by putting him in for naps n eventually he'll get it means bed
  • @Mom2ING I've been doing it that way. No use. He's almost 8mths
  • Luckily I didnt have much trouble with david sleeping, but when we were breaking him of his paci, we decided to just take it away & deal with a night of him screaming. It was heartbreaking! I made sure he wasnt hungry & had a clean diaper then put him to bed. I checked on him to comfort him every few minutes. I patted his butt & rubbed his back but I didnt pick him up. He cried for almost 3 hours and finally fell asleep. It was the hardest thing ive ever had to do. The next night he only cried a half hour and by the 3rd night, he didnt cry at all. I know this method isnt for everyone, but it worked for me. Good luck hun!
  • @xFirstTimeMomx A is crucial for their sleep habits and a more restful sleep. I bathe Addy, feed her (if she will eat), and lay her down. She is more comfortable on her side than her back so I allow her to sleep that way as she is 3 months and has complete control of her head & neck. She has to be covered up, like me, so either footie jammies, a sleep sack, or a blanket tucked around her. She will take a binky and likes to cuddle with a blankie of some sort. If she stirs too much or whines in her sleep, either her diaper is wet and she hates it or I try repositioning her a little bit.

    I've heard some parents say that bathing makes their child more alert, so perhaps a morning bath or afternoon instead of evening. Also, he could be going through a phase...aside from teething. There is actually a point where your child will wake up in the middle of the night and just babble away or play if there is something he can reach. They will eventually fall back to sleep. I hope you find something that works for you! :)
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  • @Mom2ING sometimes we cosleeped. But when my husband and I seperated for a while he would have our son sleep with him.
    @misskristin I do have a routine set up for him. And it worked for awhile then he started teething really bad.
  • routine is very important but let them pick their own I learned that and when they r tired just put them down. We just let our daughter fall asleep on her own she struggled the first time now she falls asleep right away for 13 hrs straight.
  • @rileyandme OMG that's hilarious! Not the situation, but the suggestion. It made me LOL.

    Routine is definitely crucial. On the nights in which my daughter struggles, I just keep giving loves for a minute, lay her down with her blanket and baby, and tell her good night. Usually after 20 minutes or so, she will pass out.
  • My son is 7 months & we keep a routine. Around 8:30, I give him a nice warm bath..let him play with his toys while I wash him down, change him, clean nose..etc. make a bottle, feed & burp him, brush his teeth & gums, put him down in his pack n play & then he usually gets comfortable & passes out. Once in a blue moon he'll give he a hard time, especially if he's overtired he'll try & fight it. But a routine is what works best for us. Every baby is different, so just find something that works best for you & baby. GL :D
  • I put my lo in my bed when he wakes up cryin.. Hes 9mo
  • I sing this song to my baby, a song that I always sing to her so she's familiar with it. Works every time.

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