Help me!!!!!!!!!

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 24years old and my boyfriend and I have been together for about two years. We used to be together in high school for 3years and it wasn't a good relationshhip. I have 2 older brothers 34 and 32 they both hate my boyfriend because of the past. My boyfriend is nothing like he used to be in high school I don't know how or when to tell my brothers. Help please!!!! Lol


  • If you're really happy about this, and your bf really has changed, you need to just sit them down and explain to them what's going on. They're your family and should be happy for you... just let em know you're a smart girl and wouldn't stick around if the Guy was a bad person, I mean you didn't stay with him in high school right. You just have to do it when you feel ready.
  • Your brothers are not running your life. Yeah, I'm sure the good blessings from them both would make you feel better about the situation but remember, this is your baby and the father to your child. Eventually, your brothers will come around. And if they don't, then that is their loss because of some reasons about the past. They need to understand, people have pasts. But their future is a whole other thing.
  • I say have your boyfriend tell them. That will help him show them that he is manning up and ready to take care of you and the baby. Have him explain that he knows he was a (lol) shit head in the past and that he wants to start over. I think they'll be willing to accept him once they feel like he is stepping up and maybe give him a little more respect. I don't know the whole story, but do you think that might be something that would work for your situation? I'm 28 and my big brother is 31.
  • My boyfriend tell them is a big deal. My brothers are like there for me like a dad is their for you and hate guys the same way. Maybe if we tell them together maybe. I just told them we where back together and they flipped out on me. I know its y life but my brothers have always been there for me its just stressing me out. Oh but my mom has been around us and seen he has changed a lot she likes him.
  • Everything will work out. They love you so they will be there for you no matter what. If you tell them together, make him do the talking! They will respect him more. I feel confident!!
  • @tcmommy2 I'm in the same boat me & my husband been together since high school 11yrs I got with him at 14. I have 2 kids with him & another on the way. It wasn't easy at all I aint gonna lie! But he makes me so happy I wasn't gonna give him up. They didn't like him cause he was my bro best friend. He didn't start talking to me I did lol mind you he was my first everything! My family none of them don't like him now my moms over it & I just put in my head who cares of my 6 bros dont! I love him & the family I made with him thats all that matters. Cause if you think about it they gonna have there life & wat about u! & would they care if you didn't like there girl or there baby mother. Hope these words make you feel better cause it made me! 8->
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