i cant relax...

edited April 2012 in Babies
So I find my lo for the first time sleeping on his stomach.... its 5am and he normally feeds then so Im used go automatically waking. We have a video monitor set up. When I saw only the back of his head I jumped out of bed to make sure he was fine and of course he was.... then I just couldnt go back to sleep... so I went and turned him on his back (he is 5 mom btw)... and im watching hom on the monitor go right back on his tummy, same pozition, and he is sound asleep.... and Im not! Im just scared with him on his belly... evdnthough i know he is big enough to roll back if he wants to..... uhhhh!


  • Relax hun by now they have good of their neck so its less possible for them to sufficate. I understand your.concern though. Just relax the baby just found his comfy.spot :)
  • Aw I know the feeling. Just keep it free from blankets and all to ease your mind!
  • Thx ladies, he did just fine :)
  • Omg my son just started doing the same thing and I could not sleep either!! But my mom keeps telling me that my siblings and I slept on our tummies and we are fine! And my son is almost 6 months so I understand your concern completely!!!
  • Just wait til they're like my 11.5 month old, sleeping on their side, tummy, sitting up, or knees lolol. This baby sleeps however, wherever, and is all over the crib! It's hilarious.
  • Lol I know, its totally cute the positions they can be in... mine does a 180 degree turn in his crib.
  • My daughter has been sleeping on her tummy since she was 2 weeks old. The first 2 weeks she was fine on her back, but at2 weeks she screamed until I turned her over then she'd go straight to sleep. She's been fine. I found her on her back the other morning and it made me nervous too. He should have good control of his neck well enough now that he should be fine to move his head around if he rolls to his tummy.
  • I left naliyah with the sitter the other morning and before I left naliyah had rolled over to her belly and the while tommee I was at school I was like I hope naliyah is ok.... I hope the sitter had checked in her.....man I how naliyah is ok lol and naliyah will be 7 months in about a week
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