I've heard of some happening like that but it's rare. Normally the Ultrasound person would be able to tell if there's two heartbeats or double the body parts or something. Is there twins in your family or his family?
My husband's Eldest sister had two sets of twins and his mother's very first pregnancy was twins but one died during birth. Which now along with my husband she has like 9 kids, I KNOW. So the chances of me having twins are more likely a no then a yes lol. His other nephew's and niece's where never twins besides his eldest sister's two sets of twins.
Not sure if there are any twins in his family or mine( i dont know most of my family) but i keep haveing ultrasounds because of compilcations, and they keep telling me its a girl then its a boy so idk what to think. And everybody keeps telling me its twins. @AishaMusa
Well how far along are you? Usually in the early stage of pregnancy it's not always easy to tell what the gender of the baby is, sometimes if the baby is not cooperating you would even have a hard time figureing out the gender of the baby later in pregnany so it all depends on how the baby is acting the days you have your ultrasounds.
But you can't tell alone by them saying it a girl then later on it's a boy that it would be twins. I think it all depends on how many limbs and body parts they see in pregnancy or if they hear more then one heart beat.
I'm no expert but all this is from what I know and from what I have experience with in one way or another.
They never measure me now but in the first part of my pregnancy i was always measureing a month bigger then my due date. But now they never measure me! @HomeBirthAdvocate
Its possible, but if you've had several ultrasounds then 2 babies would of been seen.
I'm kind of worried about the same thing....at almost 21 Weeks my belly is soooo big, and twins run in both sides of my family! I guess I will find out on Tuesday if there's more than 1 in there...kinda feels like it since I feel different moments at the same time.
It took several ultrasounds to find my daughter hiding, and the only reason he did was a complete fluke. It may be rare anymore, but DEFINITELY possible!
A friend of mine was expecting 1 baby boy her entire pregnancy. But after he came out "Surprise" there was another baby boy in there! She had lots of u/s and they never saw the other baby. So it can happen!!!
Yes ma'am, I have a boy and a girl. Lol I was past 16 weeks when he found my daughter, which was completely by accident. I'd already had about three-four ultrasounds.
@kristaf22 not entirely true my friends r twins one boy the other girl the girl is about to have her third single child and the boy has twin boy and girl and his gf is preggo again with twins and she has an older single daughter and no twins in her family
Ok so i just measured myself and i measure 40cm. According my doc im 33+4 weeks, but according to my menstral im due in 4 days. My husbund checked me last night (with clean hands and gloves) and he could put his middle finger in to the first knuckle and said it was soft. Help idk what to do or think!! @Fate
My husband's Eldest sister had two sets of twins and his mother's very first pregnancy was twins but one died during birth. Which now along with my husband she has like 9 kids, I KNOW. So the chances of me having twins are more likely a no then a yes lol. His other nephew's and niece's where never twins besides his eldest sister's two sets of twins.
But you can't tell alone by them saying it a girl then later on it's a boy that it would be twins. I think it all depends on how many limbs and body parts they see in pregnancy or if they hear more then one heart beat.
I'm no expert but all this is from what I know and from what I have experience with in one way or another.
I'm kind of worried about the same thing....at almost 21 Weeks my belly is soooo big, and twins run in both sides of my family! I guess I will find out on Tuesday if there's more than 1 in there...kinda feels like it since I feel different moments at the same time.