8DPO, took this with first mornin pee... (stand by for the picture, I had to email it to someone to post it cause I can't figure that out) What do ya'll think?? Evap? :-ss
It darkened enough to get a picture hours later but I could see it (barely) as soon as I peed. I'm not sure if my eyes are playing tricks on me or not. @mommyof3girls
@lilsugarsmomma same here... I can't tell for sure. I'm gonna try to wait to test till Monday... Give it another 2 days and try again. Period isn't due until the 30th anyway.
I see the line but that's how mine were I could see the line than hours later u could really see them not sayin its gonna end up the same:-) but I pray with all my heart that u have a baby hun u are a wonderful girl and u and your husband really deserve a baby
@skysma I actually broke down crying this morning to hubby about the whole mess and what if i.can't have a baby deal. Heh... Don't I look silly. LOL. Thank you sweetie @hsweetie21 thank you! How you feeling?
I'm feeling good. The d&c was awful but everything is falling back into place. I'm soo excited for u. Sending super sticky dust your way! What everyone says is true. You guys deserve this!
Yep... Aaaand... I barely see anything. So maybe it was an evap. No more testing till the weekend. Well, Thursday. We go to Texas this weekend. I think I'm just seeing lines now.
@hsweetie21 thank you! How you feeling?