Dog kills 2 month old :(

edited April 2012 in Current Events
Omg did u all hear/read about this .....too sad! I just dont understand how his dad didnt hear him crying n screaming.


  • That scares me so bad my baby will never be left alone with our dog around.
  • edited April 2012
    It's very scary n sad @hodgeslangdon u never know when a dog may flip.
  • Omg, this made me feel sick. That poor baby. Seems odd. Why didnt the dad hear any of this? We have a golden and i could see her ever getting angry w any of our kids. Im not sure how labs r but i wonder what the hack could have made a dog do that. A very sad reminder to never trust any pets alone w ur children because when it comes down to it they r animals. :( poor baby.
  • Uggg I don't know why I read the article! /:-)
  • How can the babys father sleep was crying... This story scares me
  • Opps meant to do a sad face!
  • does seem odd! Who leaves a 2 month old alone with a dog n then while the baby is getting attacked u dont hear it...hmmm @mommyof3girls
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  • Oops i ment to say i *couldnt see out dog ever getting angry w our kids. I wouldnt have any type of dog w a temper around them.

    Why the hell was the dad STILL sleeping when she called 911? Or did i read that wrong.
  • Although sad, it just goes to show that pitbulls and rotties aren't the only "vicious" breed like people make them out to be.

    How do you just leave a baby in a swing, go to the other room, and sleep?? Sounds suspect to me. The dad needs to be punished. You don't leave a baby in a swing while you nap smdh.
  • @lilsugarsmomma I agree...i heard they took their other kids from them too.
  • Exactly why our dog, who happens to be a pit is only allowed about 15 min of supervised time outside of her cage while the kids are running around. She isnt even a year yet so she still acts like a puppy even at 50lbs. Even when the kids and her are older we will always be in the room. Man I dont even leave her alone with my 5 year old pug for fear of coming home to him ripped apart let alone my child
  • I don't know how the 'dad slept through that' sad story though
  • My puppy maybe weights 10lbs max and she's usually either playing out in the yard or sleeping in her cage.
  • The dad needs to be charged with manslaughter or abuse or something, can you imagine how loud that sweet baby must have cried? Breaks my heart =((
  • There has been alot of dog attacks in my area as well. Atlanta, Ga. I say the dogs should be put down and have the owner incarcerated
  • I heard about this. The dad had taken an ambien before he went to sleep
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  • Wtf, I seriously feel sick. I have a king Charles cavalier and he's lovely... But... I have never ever left him with Florence and the majority if the time he's in the kitchen behind a stair gate. Although I'm 99% sure he wouldn't have a vicious bone in his body there is still that 1% that I don't know. Selfish, irresponsible parents. Throw them in a room with a couple of hungry crocs
  • If I was his mother idk who I'd kill first. The dog or my husband. What a f*cking idiot. You'd think he'd know better having 2 other children. That poor baby, his last minutes alive he was probably so terrified. What a horrible way to die.
  • I bet he drugged the five year old too, someone needs to wrap a rubber band around his balls until they fall off, he should have to suffer as the child did
  • Why do we post this stuff on a group full of sensitive mommies? :-/ I don't wanna read it...I already feel sick to my tummy just reading the title. This will be in my head 10 years from now...
  • As bad as this sounds, I'm thankful it wasn't blamed on a pit. It's such a sad story :( my children will never be left alone with any animal, no matter what kind of.personality the animal has. That's just irresponsible
  • wow.. wtf was the dad thinking leaving his baby awake with a dog .. alone while he fucking slept.. i blame the dad.. not the dog, a dog in an animal and will always have some animal nature on him.. this is such a sad and heart breaking story, just to think of the suffering the baby went through, breaks my heart.
  • This is sad but I also blame the dad leaving a baby alone in a swing. The dog could of been irritated by the crying that the dad didnt hear :( he should be put in jail because of his neglect
  • @musicgalwantsababy they r investigating to see if the baby or any of the other kids has signs of neglect previous to this indecent. N I was thinking the samething...the dog was irritated with baby's cry. The cause of death is homicide but they haven't arrested anyone yet. Surprisingly they haven't put the dog to sleep.
  • This is why we dont own a dog. Not worth the risk. No matter how sweetest natured your animal you can never know what runs through their mind.
    I feel for the mum, what a thing to come home to, then have your other kids taken away too
  • Poor baby :( i dont even want to read this article beacuse im pretty sure ill bust out crying and wont ever get it out of my head. NO MATTER HOW "FRIENDLY" YOUR DOG IS THEY ARE STILL ANIMALS!!! geesh ! i hate when i see pics on facebook of a baby laying down on the floor and a huge dog is right next to the baby it scares me , but some people love to put their pets before kids... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr im getting so mad just thinking about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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