does anyone have Hpv?

edited February 2011 in Health
I found out I had hpv almost 3 years ago, and had no symptoms until I got pregnant, now I have warts:( but my doctor said its bc all my hormones are going crazy and they will go away or I can get them removed. So I'm at the doctor about to get them removed... anyone else going through this?


  • Honey, everyone has hpv. No just kidding. But the numbers in the united states indicate that 70 -90 percent of the population has it. I have it too. Lots of women are doing the same thing. just get them removed and youll feel better emotionally. Then try not to worry. Everything will be ok!
  • I never knew I had hpv until I got pregnant and warts appeared. I had to wait til 14 weeks then they did two treatments on them. The stuff they used hurt SO bad that I couldn't continue the treatments. So I just gave up and learned to live with them. However at 24 weeks pregnant they started to go away! I'm 30 weeks now and they are almost completely gone!
  • I'm almost positive I have hpv... my ex-best friend got trichomoniasis and hpv, then two weeks later urged me to breakup with my douche bf which I did... then a month after that I had a pap that came back with trichomoniasis...I never cheated, wonder how I got it?? Now I'm waiting for the next pap ... scared. :/
  • Trichomonisis doesn't mean that you cheated. A female gets it. You can gt it from a toilet seat, even a towel. It's just spread from the female to the guy during sex
  • I know this sounds crazy, but apple cider vinegar works wonders on warts. All you do it put some on a cotton ball and use medical tape to tape the cotton ball over the affected area. It stinks, but it works! Takes up to a week for them to disappear and its painless.
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  • @bigbellymama I have heard that from a couple different people that they went away at around 24 weeks! My doc told me that bc our immune system is so low its not fighting the virus fast so I'm thinkin it just takes longer to fight them that's why they start going away at 24 weeks:) I'm at 18 weeks so not to long lol
    @williams17 I've heard that to I think I'm gonna try but mine are on the skin in between my vagina and butt I know tmi sorry lol but I was jw if the cotten will stay there lol
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  • Yup apple cider vinegar. It seemed to make more pop up at first but then they all went away. It still took a few weeks. Mine are right on the inside so yeah it hurt but I would pretty much do anything not to have someone see them during delivery. And of course my dr wouldnt do anything about it bc of the location during pregnancy. I only had one outbreak ever and so has my husband. Luckily once you have the first outbreak ur body can recognize the virus and deal with suppressing it. I have had zero problems with baby # 2 and im in the 3rd trimester.
  • I am also hpv positive, at first I was terrified about it but I was monitored with colposcopys every 4 months, never had a lesion, wart or any abnormalities to get a biopsy. I just worry the hormone change will knock it in high gear. My sister in law was high risk and after the baby it was on complete remission.
  • Yea mine multiplied and they are hurting and the doctor won't remove them and won't give me cream bc it might harm the baby, which I understand. But they are embarrassing and hurt so I'm willing to try anything at this point to make them go away! Apple cider vinegar here I come lol :)
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  • Omg that is awful. Im glad I never needed the biopsy. It's strange how vinegar makes abnormal cells show up white
  • i have hpv and i am 29 weeks prego with first baby. the doc did a pap about a month ago and it was abnormal, the nurse was freaking me out and said a bunch of bs....ahh then the doc told me to calm down and they would repeat the test...i had a breakout about 2 months before my pregnancy and i hated it. now i have like burns in between my legs so embarrassing but it looks like they are fading away! thank god. i gave it to my babby daddy;( and wen i had them he had the warts too.. then wen i went on treatment and did not had them no more his went alway with no treatment.
  • 80% of the sexually active population has HPV. Most people just don't have any symptoms. Stupid guys carry the cervical cancer kind and show absolutly no symptoms.
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  • edited March 2011
    @dncrcass Yeah that's actually what they put on your cervics with a colposcopy
  • @steph_s90 girl its worth a try!! Make it stick lol! I found this little home remedy on Google. You might want to read up on it before you try it. I think I remember seeing something about if they are in a sensitive area, to apply 20 to 30 minutes a day. I've personally never had an outbreak, but my husband has. It took them 3 days to go away. They were not in a sensitive area though. Good luck =)
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