6 month olds...

edited April 2012 in Ages & Stages
What does/did your 6 month old eat? How many ounces of formula and how often? Teeth/no teeth? Sitting? Sleep habits? I want to know everything.


  • My baby will be 6 months the 28th she has 2 teeth, sits unsupported, eats 5 1/2-6 oz every 4 hours, sleeps all nite, rolls back to belly an belly to bak
  • We're doing the baby led weaning, she gets the chance to eat breakfast (yogurt), lunch (cheese roll up or leftover dinner) and dinner (whatever we're having) she doesnt always eat and i make sure she drinks 6 oz before her yogurt. Dr said she needs 16 oz a day for nutrients. She drinks 6 oz about every 4 or 5 hours. She has a bottom tooth barely poking through. She sits on her own but doesnt like to sit in a shopping cart yet, i dont think she's even close to crawling. Her sleep habits are everywhere! She has a bath around 6:30, then depending on her day, goes to sleep between 7 & 8. She just started sleeping from 7 to 4 only waking once or twice for her paci. Other nights she's up 5+ times not wanting to sleep and very fussy. She naps every 2 hours during the day (anywhere from 10 to 50 minutes). But Last week for a couple days she only napped twice for 2 hours each (i loved it). I think the weekends mess her up because hubby is home. She's been very very fussy lately, i wish she could tell me whats wrong :/ o and she LOVES old people, if she's fussy in walmart, i'll track down an old person to talk to her for a min lol
  • Sorry it was long!
  • @Mrz_Jackson thanks. I know all babies are different but Jack seems behind when compared to my oldest. My oldest had teeth by now and was rolling like crazy. Jack has no teeth, he rolls both ways but not often, he can sit unsupported if i sit him up. He's a chub also eating 8 ounces every 5 hours. He also eats solids twice a day.
  • @Kimberly4411thank you!! Jacks sleeping is crazy too. some nights he'll sleep all night just waking for paci and others (most) he wakes up between 1-3 very fussy
  • Robby was six months on the 13th...he has his two bottom teeth, sits unsupported and has actually went from laying to sitting on his own twice in the past two days! He rolls all over the place and is VERY close to crawling. He gets up on all fours and moves his legs but he's still working on the hand part! He can go backwards in his walker and has started sayin "mmmom mom mmmom". Even tho he doesn't know what it means I love it!

    He eats 4-5oz every 2-3 hrs and eats breakfast (bananas, pears, apples ect one stage two) lunch ( carrots, sweet potatoes, green beans ect one stage two) and dinner (some meat mixed w veggies ect)

    As for sleeping he goes to bed at 8pm and wakes up at 2am to eat and then is up for good between 6-7 (I'll be glad when we skip the 2 am feeding lol)

    He weighs 15lbs3oz and is 26in long!
  • My daughter eats 4 or 5oz every 3 or 4 hours, her two bottom teeth are starting to come in finally!! She won't eat any kind of baby food at all yet but she will eat mashed potatoes and that's about it lol she sleeps around 8-10 hours a night! She can't sit up on her own yet due to being in a body cast.
  • My son eats 4-5 oz every 2-3 hours and he just started consistantly eating soilds 2 weeks ago, he hated them at first. He eats solids 2x a day. His firat tooth just cut through last week and another is about to cut through:)
  • edited April 2012
    Savanah is almost 7 months but she was/is eating about 5-6 ozs every 3-4 hours eating 2 jars of baby food a day one in the morning and one in the evening.. she can't sit for long unsupported, rolls everywhere, sleeps from 8pm to 7am, started saying momma, baba, bye bye, hey, and hi in the last week or so and loves to stand (supported). She weighs about 17lbs and wears 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers. Oh and she loves her jumper :) and she's had her 2 bottom teeth since mid february (4 1/2 months then) no new ones yet
  • edited April 2012
    Keegan turned 6 months on the 12th. Her bottom two teeth are working on coming in, but not here yet.
    She sits up all by herself (rarely falls over). She stands up and stomps her feet if someone holds her fingers. She can stand up if she is holding onto a toy or the table or couch. I just started letting her sit in a high chair at restuarants, haven't tried a shopping cart yet.
    In the morings she drinks 6 oz of formula, for lunch has a container of baby food and 3 oz of formula, for dinner she has 6 oz of formula and a container of baby food, then at 8:30 gets her 8oz of formula and rice cereal in her bottle. She also gets as much water from a sippy cup as she wants throughout the day and she gets Gerber graduates puffs (banana and strawberry apple flavored) snacks a few times a day after lunch and dinner.
    She is always asleep in the bed between 8:45-9:30. She slepts through the night and wakes up between 9:30-11. Its usually around 10 or 10:30 though.
    She says ga, ba-ba, wa-wa, and has said mama a few times but never when I'm around. :( Also she has learned to squeel, LOUDLY!
    She weighss 16pounds, finally is in 3-6 months clothes and wears a size 2 diaper.
    Oh yes, and she is crawling as well.
  • My son just turned 6 months last Saturday, He Has two teeth at the bottom, hes Eating about 30+ ounces of breastmilk a day. (Not really sure, he only gets breastmilk in a bottle when Im at work). hes Really active, hes crawling, and he can pull himself up to stand. For the most part hes sleeping thru the night, he gets up once or twice to eat, depends. He is Usually in bed by 9:30pm and wakes around 8:30am-9:30am, he takes a 1 1/2 hr nap around 12:30pm and another hr nap around 4pm.
    He has been saying mama for about a month, and he loves to squel, hes sucha talker!
    he is in a size 3 diaper and weights about 20lbs. hes wearing 6month clothing but soon to be in 9month clothes.
  • @crystaldawn0830 @bertrang14 @JuliansMommy @Chelcie89 @1stWoodsBaby @deedeetram Thanks ladies. Jacks pretty close with a lot of yalls babies. He just eats more and seems like a huge chunk cuz he's about 20lbs and wears 6-9 month clothes but also fits into 12 months
  • Most 6-9 and 9 month clothes swallow Savanah lol. And she's almost 7 months like I said earlier lol. Your boys are cuties!
  • @Chelcie89 thanks! your little girl is previous!
  • I'm guessing you meant precious damn auto correct lol. Thanks!
  • @Chelcie89 yes! sorry lol
  • edited February 2013
  • edited April 2012
    My son turned 6 months on the 13th. He eats 5oz of formula and a jar of fruit at 9am. 7oz at noon. 7 oz at 3. A jar of veggies & a bowl of oatmeal at 6. 7oz at 7. Bath & bed @ 7:30. He will sleep til 8-9am. No teeth yet. Will roll over and sit unsupported for a little while...but that's it. Has not even tried to crawl
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