what to give my 1yr after she is done w/soy formula

edited May 2012 in Ages & Stages
My lo will turn 1 on the 26th. She has been on soy since she was a week old bc she spit up everything else. My first had a sensitive stomach as well but could still drink the sensitive formula. It wasnt a surprise given my own milk allergy and my husbands stomach acid problems (he had a bleeding ulcer at 17). My oldest did fine with milk but we waited until about 15.
With my lo we did try and see if she could tolerate the sensitive formula when she was around 9mo but she still had a lot of tummy troubles. I also have a nut allergy so we have been advised to wait until age 3 before introducing any nuts to them.
has anyone else transisiton from soy formula at age 1 to something else?


  • iam also curious my daughter is on soy and we tried switching her to sensitive around 5 months and she couldnt handle it... she is only 8 months so we have a few months before we switch
  • My baby cousin was put on silk (soy milk) when he turned one!
  • I'd like to know too, madison is on soy but can eat yogurt just fine. She had a lot of digestive problems and hubby is lactose intolerant so we just guessed she was
  • My 3 1/2 year old drinks milk all the time with no problems. He was on soy formula from 1 month old all the way until 1 year old (we never tried any other formulas after) and when he hit one year old we went to whole milk and he has never had any problems. My almost 8 month old is also on soy milk, and I'm hoping he can also make a good switch to whole milk when he turns a year old.
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