My baby has that. They basically just watch and see the things your baby does like if they sit on their own, can they hold their toys, can they hold their head up during tummy time. And they help with things your baby needs work on. My daughter is seen every 1 day out of the week
My son has been involved with our county's e.I. program since birth. (He was born @ 29/6 weeks). In my experience, they observe (or ask parents about) babies/kids abilities in age appropriate activities in 5-6 categories (such as gross & fine motor, communication, personal-social). If a baby or kid doesn't meet enough of the criteria they either test again in 6 months (for minor delays) or refer to the school district for services (for larger delays).
I found it helpful to request the evaluation forms ahead of time, because you can get a better gauge of how well your lo can do the activities if you have more time to try them out.
My son has been involved with our county's e.I. program since birth. (He was born @ 29/6 weeks). In my experience, they observe (or ask parents about) babies/kids abilities in age appropriate activities in 5-6 categories (such as gross & fine motor, communication, personal-social). If a baby or kid doesn't meet enough of the criteria they either test again in 6 months (for minor delays) or refer to the school district for services (for larger delays).
I found it helpful to request the evaluation forms ahead of time, because you can get a better gauge of how well your lo can do the activities if you have more time to try them out.
@LolasBabyNum1@Math_Mommy thanks, they are coming Thursday and I feel nervous even though its not a big deal. My 11 month old isn't doing anything he should be so I called to get an evaluation. My son pretty much only rolls and sits up at 11 months and I can't even leave him sitting on his own because he falls over
It sounds like your son may qualify for some occupational or physical therapy. Its amazing how fast a little intervention can turn things around. My son was only saying 2 words at 2 yeard-old, and his comprehension was poor too. He had repeatedly tested as having a 35% delay. But, that wasn't high enough to qualify for speech therapy. So I lied (underplaying his abilities) on his 2 year evaluation. Now he's 2.5 and he says 2-4 word sentences and he will try to reapeat anything when prompted (his comprehension has grown exponentiallytoo). My point is, if your son tests in the "wait and see" area, but you feel he needs services, apeal until you get him what he needs.
I found it helpful to request the evaluation forms ahead of time, because you can get a better gauge of how well your lo can do the activities if you have more time to try them out.
I found it helpful to request the evaluation forms ahead of time, because you can get a better gauge of how well your lo can do the activities if you have more time to try them out.
She ended up determining that my 11 month old is at the physical level of a six month old and he's going to start physical therapy.