Breastfeeding decreases chance of breast cancer
Just reading some good articles on breastfeeding and how it greatly reduces the risk of women getting breast cancer. A large part of the reason so many more women are getting breast cancer today is because they are having smaller families and breast feeding less or not at all. A study done by Cancer Research UK is a detailed analysis of 47 published studies with nearly 15o,ooo participants from 30 countries. It shows a womens chances for breast cancer go down by 7% for every baby she has and another 4.3% for every 12 mo she breast feeds. Not consecutivly, just in all. In the UK where breast cancer is a little higher, most familys are smaller, most women breast feed for ap 4 mo. Studies show if they breast fed for 6 more months 1000 cases of breast cancer could be eliminated each year. Thats crazy! 1000 cases. I always new it helped but I didn't realize how much. Other studies have shown women over 25, have much less chance of breast cancer if they breast feed... HHmmm food for thought..