Breastfeeding decreases chance of breast cancer

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Just reading some good articles on breastfeeding and how it greatly reduces the risk of women getting breast cancer. A large part of the reason so many more women are getting breast cancer today is because they are having smaller families and breast feeding less or not at all. A study done by Cancer Research UK is a detailed analysis of 47 published studies with nearly 15o,ooo participants from 30 countries. It shows a womens chances for breast cancer go down by 7% for every baby she has and another 4.3% for every 12 mo she breast feeds. Not consecutivly, just in all. In the UK where breast cancer is a little higher, most familys are smaller, most women breast feed for ap 4 mo. Studies show if they breast fed for 6 more months 1000 cases of breast cancer could be eliminated each year. Thats crazy! 1000 cases. I always new it helped but I didn't realize how much. Other studies have shown women over 25, have much less chance of breast cancer if they breast feed... HHmmm food for thought..


  • did I mention its good for baby too? lol
  • Excellent, thanks for this
  • I love to breasfeed. The bond with the child is just inexplainable ! Plus it helps gets you thin quicker !
  • ya, I am all about breast feeding also. Just thought its was so interesting that us not doing what our bodies were made to do, has helped put us at a much greater risk. I"ve always believed in doing things as natural as possible. Just because we don't know the repracusions of our actions, doesn't mean there arnt any. And Im not trying to say people who bottle feed are somehow wrong, it our world today we just don't have as many kids as 50-100 year ago. Just a fact. But I am going to do all I can to be as healthy as I and my baby can be!!
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