Libido (Remember to Cuddle!)
Since I have had my son back in 2008 my sex drive has plummeted. I didn’t know what the cause of it was. I thought it could be everything under the son but me, maybe I gained too much weight, which I did, maybe it’s the birth control, so I removed it, and got pregnant, I don’t know what it is but after having children I just don’t have that same libido I had before. I WANT IT BACK! I decided that I was going to educate not only myself but others as well.
Have anyone else felt like this?
Have anyone else felt like this?
Section. I battled and still battle at first I didnt want it at all it hurt it didn't do anything for me. I even thought maybe he just doesn't do it for me. Well I lost weight cut my hair and felt good again. Didn't last long however I could bare it now. It didn't hurt. What changed everything for me is talking about sex with other females! Toys, lubes, sex, all of it. Hear stories telling stories being open and comfortable to discuss it made me relax. My husband didnt understand but us women do. I say talk about it. I am now a consultant and I love it. Introduce toys to your marriage different lubes and messages. Feel sexy and wanted and most importantly please yourself. You have to mentally and physically prep for lions making all over again. Remember ladies it feels good!
Some are called slumber parties you could Google it.
I do Pure Romance.
It's helping trust my husband was ready to leave me after five months without making love. Ooops I dudbt know he was waiting on me lol.
Cuddling is fine, first step to acheiving the big "O" after baby.
And I agree with the comment above. My bf does not get