what does this mean?? help please! *update*

edited May 2012 in Babies Health
My girl is 10.5 months (holy crap!!) And for the last few days she hasn't wanted to really eat (maybe 10oz a day and and oz or two tops of solid food) plus all she wants to do is sleep. She was warm Sunday and Monday but been fine since. She's also been really whiney, cries over everything and this is all weird for her! She only cries when she's tired, and its not even a full on cry. She's usually too busy playing to remember to eat, but when I feed her, she gobbles it up
She has her two bottom teeth, and while those were cutting she was fussy and not hungry, but not to this extent and not for this long! She also has no interest in ice cubes and frozen food as she did before when she was teething. I also thought maybe she needed to poop since she's been squirming in her high chair and she had a blow out a few hours ago, which seemed to help with the squirming, but she's now down for another nap!

Sorry this is a novel, I'm just really needing help!

Update** today she woke up from a nap with bumps all over her torso. So got into the Dr this afternoon , and found out she has baby measles. So glad I took her in, but feel so bad for my lil lady. Especially since there's nothing I can really do for her besides tylenol. Thanks again to the ladies who helped.


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