am i the only one?
..... who worries about everything?? I worry when my lo is being held while on cement, I worry when the carseat is on a shopping buggy, I worry when my husband is driving, I worry and think about all situations being bad or damaging to my son... I'm terrified I or someone else will unintentionally inflict harm... I love my boogerman and hate to see him cry.... he's 4 and a half months old... will I ever stop worrying???
there's no cure
I worry to let my son sit up alone. I worry too lol
The shopping cart worry is legit though. I remember a story a while back about a woman who put her baby's seat in the cart and the bagger at the grocery store was wheeling the cart out. Well, she had forgotten to strap baby in again and the seat fell out and the baby died (I believe, or was severely injured). I always made sure my son was strapped and the seat was hooked in or put it in the basket part. And obviously wont let someone else push it!