belly gets hard the soft you feel like period cramps every couple mins! remember they come and go you feel it next minute you feel fine and them keeps repeating but closer and closer in time and the pain gets worse and worse !
For me it started off like light period cramps then as the hours ticked by it got worse and worse...until 3 days later it was agonizing pain.,so bad I couldn't even sleep!
For me I couldn't feel them..all I noticed was my belly would get hard and tight and then it would go away. I never had any horrible pain. I was already dilated to 5cm when I first got checked. My water started to leak so that's what made me go in. My doc broke the rest of my water and I had one horrible, insane, hard contraction that made me want to cry and then my epi kicked in and it was smooth sailing from there on out.
Um. The best way I can explain when asked is I was pretty sure I know how the people in Alien felt, but the babies weren't coming from the top. Oh and compared to pitocin aggravated contractions, pushing felt AMAZING (and I even tore-still not as bad as contractions). Lol
but there's general
belly gets hard the soft
you feel like period cramps every couple mins! remember they come and go you feel it next minute you feel fine and them keeps repeating but closer and closer in time and the pain gets worse and worse !
@captivated and you used a winking emoticon lol thanks