Please keep my godson in your prayers

He is 9yrs old and my friend has to sign him over to the state. He has psychotic episodes and had been in and out of behavior places for months, but they just change his meds and sends him home. The other night he bit his mom, cracked her rib and she is covered in brusies. They called the police and he kicked an officer in the balls. He told cps that when his mom is sleeping her is going to stab her. Plus he started to go after his 3yo brother. She will have visitation and they are going to do everything to be a family again, but he needs more help than they can do. At least now he can get into a residential place like he needs to be. I love that lil man with all my heart, and I know this is for the best right, but please keep him in your prayers. Thank you.


  • That's got to be so hard for them :( prayers!
  • That is so sad. His mom must be going through hell letting him go :(
  • Prayers for the little guy and his family. That poor mama's hearts must be hurting so bad for her son. :( hopefully they will get to be together again soon with some help.
  • Thank you ladies. I know once it hits her it is going to be bad. I know it is for the best right now. I just want him to get help, real help and be able to go home. I know it might take a while, but at least she isn't just giving up on him.
  • I hope they can be a family again soon! So very sorry. :(
  • Oh wow that's really sad! Sorry that this family and you are having to deal with this
  • Oh my thinking of u all I hope they can sort him out
  • Thank you for all the prayers. It means alot
  • I hope they can help him. my son is bad not that bad YET and I'm scared he's going to end up like this. he's 7 now and hits and kicks and just keeps getting worse every day :(
  • Hang in there. My sister was taken away from us when she was 15, she (we later found out) was raped, cutting herself to the point shed pass out from blood loss and was hearing voices, she was also threatening to kill me, my parents, herself, teachers etc. it was so devastating to us as a family, but you have to keep long term goals in mind. Visit him, love him, and know you're doing the right thing.
  • Unfortunatly visiting him is not an option. My hubby is in jail and so its just me and my lo. They are 3 hours away and right now I can't afford to take the time off. I will go see him eventually, but I want him to get settled in wherever he is going to be first. I don't know if he is going to a love in place or a foster home yet.
  • Well try to stay in touch if possible. Like cards, letters etc if they'll let you of course!
  • I intend to. This all just happen in the last few days, so once his mom has more info, then I will too. I hate it had to come to this, but I think it is what he really needs. I how he can get help. I would rather visit him I'm a behavioral hospital in 10yrs than in prison.
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