sad but perhaps wonderful time

edited May 2012 in Pregnant
I had my cards read a few weeks ago. I'm not sure how much I believe or read into this type of stuff but I was told that my cards showed my aunt passing away from cancer and a baby coming into the world. In order for this baby to come, my aunt had to go. Well, my aunt passed away Saturday. And my family is very upset. And I feel like its still not going to happen but I really hope it does. Not only for my selfish reasons of wanting to be a mommy but to shed some light for my family on a crappy situation. I've been trying for months and nothing has happened. And I really hope that my cards were right. So please say a prayer for myself and my family.

Also, this gave me some comfort. Please don't say anything if what I'm about to say offends anyone. I had a dream that I was in my aunts house with my "family". None of which o recognized but there was a little boy there. And my aunt came through the door with my grandma who passed away in 2002 and said "I'm home, I got to come home." And that little boy was the only one I can remember. Well my cousin had told me on Friday that my aunt had been seeing my grandparents and a little boy. I mentioned it to my dad. He turned about as white as I had ever seen anyone turn, and he told me it was her little boy. About forty years ago my aunt had an abortion. And no one knew, not even her children. He had come to get her, and he forgave her for what she did. I know there are people out there that had abortions and regret them and I'm hoping maybe they'll see that no matter what their children still love them. I am against abortion, personally. And I was mad when I was told my aunt had one. But I also realized that if he can forgive her, so can I and so can god.


  • Hope you get your LO soon :)
  • Thank you @captivated. I know that with death comes life. And I hope its my turn for a baby.
  • Sorry for ur families loss. Prayers for ur bfp SOON. And thank u for sharing this story. God is a good God. He loves His children and forgives.
  • So sorry to hear about your aunt. Really hoping you get your rainbow baby as predicted. :)
  • Sorry for your loss. I hope you get your BFP soon with your Aunty watching over you x
  • Took a test yesterday at 6dpo and it was a bfn. But its early and I didn't get a bfp last year until I was 4 days late for af. But I didn't try to test before then either. Today makes a year since I conceived my first child. So here's hoping af doesn't show in a week.
  • Hope it just means its too early to detect!
  • Good luck I hope you get your BFP and sorry for your loss.
  • @trixiesmom8 me too, I'm going crazy. I'm to the point of losing my mind wondering why I haven't conceived yet and so is my poor fiancee.
  • Awe try not to think about it. It will happen when you least expect it. We tried and tried and no luck so when we stopped trying then we got our bfp.
  • @trixiesmom8 that's what happened last time for us too.
  • edited May 2012
    My husband and i tried for over 1 year. I fell pregnant but had a mc in the first trimester..I went to a palm reader after I had my mc. She knew about my loss and said that "the baby wasn't meant to be" and that I would fall pregnant soon but that I needed to take care of myself "mentally and emotionally" before it would happen. I actually wound up being hospitalized a couple of weeks later for my depression. A few weeks after that I found myself pregnant.

    I usually don't believe in all that mumbo jumbo stuff but I felt she was the real deal
  • Wow that is a great story my grandma could see things. She was cry in my moms house. My mom asked what was wrong and grandma said she saw a hole in the wall. The next day the house caught on fire and there was a whole in that wall. Also my dad was missing but know one knew till the next day when a nurse called and said he was in critical condition. She was going crazy women all night. My dad was in a motorcycle wreck laying on the side of the road that night.

    I do think there are people who can see things. And I hope it all works out for ya. Good luck
  • Thanks guys. I'm trying to start taking care of myself better. Started drinking more water and less POP, eating better and less, taking my multivitamins and other medications. Some days I feel like its happening and some days I feel like I'm getting my hopes up.
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