Can a baby take Formula and Breast milk at the same time?

edited May 2012 in Third Trimester
I was wondering just in case I needed a backup plan for when I need to leave baby with family.

I mean at different times but I mean can they take


  • edited May 2012
    I don't see why not but usually if u are bfing u would usually pump a bottle Of ur bm. Hazel won't even drink from a bottle so nobody can watch her for me lol
  • @myHEARTZx3 So you pretty much have to carry Hazel everywhere you go? Oh that must be hard even more in places that don't allow kids..
  • edited May 2012
    Lol she goes with me wherever I go. But daddy will carry her or whoever else is there...or she has a stroller and a baby carrier. But I don't ever go places kids or babies can't go...?
  • So what do you do if you got like an appointment? I'm guessing you don't work right? ;;) @myHEARTZx3
  • Its recommended to not introduce a bottle until six weeks to avoid nipple confusion. But yes, you can give baby formula while breastfeeding. I pumped and froze milk for when others watched her.
  • Lol oh I don't work. And I make all my appt when my bf is he goes with me and watches her while I do whatever I gotta do.
  • @kristaf22 Completely understandable. ;;)
  • Yes! I even mixed the bottles half bm half formula during the weening process of my daughter and youngest son ..... It made the switching process easier.
  • edited May 2012
    Yea they recommend not mixing them though just cause you have to dispose after a certain time if they don't drink it all so they say give bm first then formula cause us ladies work hard for that bm lol
  • I was never able to pump a good back up supply, so before I weaned her, Tessa would have some breast milk and some formula while I was at work. She did fine :)
  • edited May 2012
    @kristaf22 come to think if it I only neededy bf to watch hazel once when I had my hair appointment lol other then that she's with me everywhere I go
  • I had to supplement from the begin so I would breastfeed and then give formula in the same feeding. I never made enough to just breastfeed
  • @myheartzx3 OMG I'm the same like u lol how do u feel like me. I dnt Wrk so I'm always home I need a break lol and when I need my hair done its funny cause I always have to rush the lady lol like my son almost up for he's feeding lol
  • @roxy lmao I need a break too! My daughter is 4 months old and I did my hair bf walked around the mall and kept calling to see if I was done because she was crying. Have u tried giving ur son bottles?
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  • @rileyandme lol I can't wait till my daughter is old enough for those because I really need a break. How old was Riley when he started eating those?
  • Yeah that's a smart idea give them something to munch on when they get old enough until your able to bf them. @rileyandme

    @myHEARTZx3 I think there for babies over 6months.
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  • @myheartzx3 they melt really easily with the spit in their mouth so dont worry about choking to much! Ollie loves them...but they make such a mess that he only gets like one a week lol
  • Yea that wat I do but its been a while I haven't tryed a bottle hair appointment tomorrow see how that goes
  • Were do u get those mum mums @Ashley_smashley
  • Babies r us. Ollie LOVES the banana ones..doesn't care to much for the others. @roxy
  • My son is 6 months 2wks u think he'll choke @Ashley_smashley
  • @roxy has he been eating any solids? It really does melt quickly so I wouldn't worry to much. I would sit with him and watch him to make sure he doesn't break off any big least until he gets the hang of it. Ollie breaks pieces off now but he just gums them until they dissentigrate (sp). I was just like you, all worried, when he first started eating stuff like that. Once you see he is getting the hang of it, it will be ok.
  • Yea he eats solids just got scared the other day I gave him those Lil cookie stars with a blue lid I bit it n half and he still choke on it they melt also but I'm gona try those cookies how old is ur baby
  • He is 7.5 months..the mum mums are pretty big, so they are easily held my small hands . Lol just be warned, they make a mess!
  • How did this discussion turn into a convo about baby food/toddler food lol :)
  • Natural progression? LoL
  • Interesting lol... @ashley_smashley what do you think? Can I feed a baby formula and bf at the same time? As in can I give her a bottle while family is watching her and I bf when I'm home...or just do one or the other???
  • I do both right now. But I only do both because my supply dropped after I started getting my period again, and I could never recover it. I would consider pumping and feeding breast milk in a bottle for family. If you start introducing formula in place of breast time it can make your supply drop. Your body makes breast milk on a supply and demand if you arent using it as much your body wont make as much.
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