what does heart burn feel like??

edited May 2012 in Pregnancy symptoms
ive always heard ofppl talking about it i just dont know what to expect. i have this hot feelin/pain? in the middle of my stomach kinda like right underneath my rib cage..can someon help me out


  • probably heartburn.... makes my tummy on FIRE and sometimes burp up acid it burns..... try taking some malox or siera mist see if it helps!
  • Ya it'll feel truly like a burn. Have you ever thrown up, say after drinking, where your stomach is fairly empty, and you get that burny, raw feeling in the back of your throat? It's that sensation, but can be anywhere from stomach to back of throat.
  • Lol @natashalynn You really hit right on with the drinking comparison.
  • Its like coughing up acid into the back of your throat.
  • Sounds pretty disturbing! I noticed you all talked about your throat! I don't feel it there i just feel the burning right underneath my rib cage
  • Mine always starts with burping excessively... And feels like acid in the back/bottom of my throat...
  • Sometimes u feel it in your chewt. Thats why it is called heartburn. But it does travel to the back of your throat sometimes.
  • I've never had heart burn that low. Like everyone else is saying the back of your throat/top of your chest(like shoulder level). For me it felt like I really needed to burp but couldn't, idk it's kinda hard to explain. Tums help but only so much :/
  • I feel it in my cheast alot rarely is it ever in your upper abdomen. It basiclly feels like food trying to come back up to be pucked up but can't. Your cheast will feel warm like plus a little bit of pain some may have more then that..
  • @fate lol terrible that was my comparison hey Haha
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