Child support mediation today sucked

Okay so we went to this mediation thing where my x asked them to lower his child support because he is on unemployment. Might I add he has been on it for over a year now don't know how but he is. So child support went from 568 to 135 a month. apparently because he is a dead beat and don't want to work I guess my 15yr cost less now. What the hell just cause his dad don't want to work I have to pay more to raise him whatever by myself okay sorry rant over.


  • Wow that's a HUGE decrease!!! I'm so sorry :(
  • Yep it is. But he screwed him self with my son anyways he has promised so many things and never delivered Dakota says he can go fly a kite.
  • Wow, omg. That is outrageous! And by the way, Obama passed a law a while ago extending unemployment benefits to 2 years. I just got off of it after being able to extend it all the way up until then! But anyone should see how obvious it is that you're not looking hard enough if you're still unemployed a year later. Min wage jobs are always may not be what you WANT, but when you have a child you've got to suck up your pride!
  • Omg that is a huge difference that's jus ridiculas
  • edited May 2012
    @captivated that's exactly what I think my husband got one paycheck from unemployment before he got another job. Believe me it's not the job he wanted but they were the ones that called him back
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