has anyone seen the video?

There is a video circulating of an asian woman beating her 8 month old. Not sure if it's new or old but its the most heart breaking video I have ever seen. I cried 15 seconds into it. I can't believe what people do to innocent children...I wish that the abusers had to endure ever ounce of pain they dished out every day of their pitiful excuse for a life.


  • Was horrible made my stomach turn sickening!
  • I haven't seen it but WHY is it still up?! it should be taken down immediately!
  • I watched a few seconds of it but wish I hadn't. That woman is pure evil. That poor sweet little baby :(
  • @heyitsme....the original might have been taken down but people are spreading it as abuse awareness so it's still ib circulation
    And my daughter is 7 months so close to this poor baby's age...I can't imagine if God chose her as my daughters mother instead
  • It literally made me sick to my stomach! I wish i never watched it!
  • The women should be sent to jail immeditaly! This is so sad :(
  • yes and i wish i didnt. i actually couldnt see the whole video, that poor baby. it made me cry how can someone do that to a poor little baby. :(
  • Omgg yes watched it laatniite n couldn't sleep.. YouTube did, take it down..
  • Apparently the woman got 18months for it! Im sorry but how can they justify such a small sentence for such a wicked and evil crime?!? smdh!! I haven't seen the video but have heard enough to know she's an evil bitch!!!
  • excuse my language but if I were to EVER see that "woman" I would beat the living fucking shit out of her! Why would someone continue to record it and not do anything?!
  • edited May 2012
    Ugh its disgusting... I literally vomited. After all she did to that poor baby it was still crawling to her trying to reach for her, broke my heart. And I couldn't even finish watching it.

    @cmarie324xo the person recording it and also the 10 people that walked in and out of the room while she was doing it. Everyone kept walking in... Just looking and walking out.

    That bitch needs one year of torture for every time she laid her hand on that baby.
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