The View Ladies on the TIME pic...(I can't stand them)

Couldn't have said it better! I hope she actually sends this to those cackleing chickens on the view!


  • Ugh can't stand those women. %-(
  • edited May 2012
    Lmao, loved that article! Yay for attachment parenting! :)
  • Loved the article too... It really opened my eyes to why they did it BACK IN THE DAY... But not sure why so long now.

    I'm BFing until 2 yrs old and I think that's long enough. If my daughter was in a lower growth % I probably would until 3 years old.

    My grandfather nursed until 5 and his brother until 8... Now I have a 8 year old ans she's even said that she wishes she can nurse like her sister and lay in the bed and cuddle with me.. Awww... I love her! LOL But ... NO MISSING IT AIN'T GOING DOWN.. LOL

    My 19 yr old Jaszy who is appalled by BF... And I think my 9 month LO knows it because she seems to want to tease Jaszy.while she's nursing by trying to get her attention while latched.. but Jaszy and I were talking and she said she felt like mothers that nurse this long are raping their kids.. RMAO... I laughed for 10 mins because only "she" would say this.

    I'm supportive of BF, but I will say... If you can spell Milk, enough is enough!

    PS... Her article was hilarious!
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  • That's so funny. I ff now (bf for 5.5 months) and believe in bf.
    I did think the kid was older than 3 so it was a bit of a shock. But whatever works for someone works!

    I think we all need to remember what the job of a magazine sell. This photo had a lot of intent to shock people, so people buy it.

    At the end of the day, if you love your kid and are doing what you feel is best, then you're a great mom! End of story!

    This is a great rebuttal though lol
  • Very well said!
  • I fail to see the huge controversy here. So what she's breastfeeding her 3 or 6 year old? I don't see anything "shocking" or "disgusting" about a woman deciding to practice extended breastfeeding. It IS what our breasts are for.
  • @captivated I totally agree with you! Breasts are so over sexualized now a days that its the only way people see them. As can be seen from the numerous incest and 'get your husband to suck your tits' comments on the time website! Its mind numbing! No one things twice when a women is wearing a barely covering her nips bathing suit on a billboard, but the moment someone is breast feeding in public all hell breaks loose!
  • I think that people, especially mothers, should work towards changing the ROOT of the problem- oversexualization of the breast. NOT berating a mother for breastfeeding an older child. Smdh.
  • THIS is what turns new mothers off to breastfeeding. Yes, it may be an "older" child, but when people, teenagers and a younger generation sees everyone's disgust in relation to breastfeeding, it is going to put them off if not completely. Talk about a set back.
  • Exactly! I am thankful that I can teach my younger sisters about the benefits of breast feeding, and not to be ashamed of it! They were both in my delivery room, and assisted! And they both have been witnessing me breast feeding since the beginning! I am hoping to change the world one teenager at a time! LoL!!
  • Thank you for sharing!! I am now a HUGE fan of this blog and plan to attend the virtual nurse in (abc studios) so i can help gross out whoopi's ignorent ass!! LOLOL my daughters only 8 months old maybe they won't censor out my boobies.. LOL
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