When do babies stop drinking formula?

edited May 2012 in Ages & Stages
At what age do little ones stop drinking formula? How much should a 6-7 month old be drinking a day if they are also getting baby food?


  • Keegan has slowed down on the amount she drinks (althought I fix her the same amount she has always had) so I was just curious. Thank you!
  • I don't like scales and "set amounts". I believe every baby is different and can't be held to a certain amount. If your 6-7 month old isn't having foul and dark urine and is having plenty of wet diapers a day, baby is getting plenty (as well as not losing weight, etc). Formula is usually stopped at a year because they should be receiving their nutrients from food and milk (whole milk, or other types of milk if cow milk is something you don't want to give).

    You could buy toddler formula, but all that is is a marketing scheme to get you to shell out more big bucks :)
  • @2ndbutfirst, that's what I worry about at well. My son seems to be on a strike, or he's just getting older. He won't eat a bottle all day at daycare. He nurses in the the morning, when I pick him up and before bed. All he wants is food. He throws any kind of bottle or cup given to him. He has plenty of wet diapers though, so I'm not worried anymore.
  • @captivated That makes me feel better to hear your son only wants food.. Keegan is going through the same strike. She eats her solid breakfast, lunch, and dinner great.. and still drinks her normal 8oz cereal bottle at night. But any other bottle during the day she won't have more than 2-3 oz (and its a struggle to get her to drink that much). She is peeing and pooping the same as always so I guess she is doing okay. Definitely isn't losing weight, she is gaining like a chunk.

  • Whew! Glad I'm not the only one too! @1stwoodsbaby
  • @captivated Thats how my lo is. We do make him have 2 bottles of bm (each before his food so he knows that food after) because he is 'underweight' but he prefers his food. I have been feeding him when I go to bed also to give him extra milk but he wont even wake up.
  • David was a tad over 11months when I began mixing formula & milk half &.half. One year I took him off formula, but I agree with @captivated There shouldnt be a set timeframe. I let David lead the way and im doing the same with Aadyn. Hes 5 months and despises baby food (so I dont give it to him) and David was chowing down at 4 months lol. Imo, let baby lead the way :)
  • Jace was 8 months when I started mixing formula and whole milk and within a week he was successfully switched over, we've had no problems with him at all, hes 10 months now and has a 9 oz bottle at bedtime,.once during the night and for his two naps during the day.. Other than those 4 bottles hes on full table food, he never liked pureed baby food..
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