Good boob vs bad boob

edited May 2012 in Breastfeeding
For u breastfeeding mamas do u all have a good n a bad boob? My left boob doesn't produce as much milk as my right. I'm not sure y. I try to place her on the left more often since it doesnt produce as much but it's not helping.


  • Ugh yes!!!! My left boob sucks lol.!my right produces way more and I've tried everything :(
  • Lefty was always like that for me too lol
  • I have slow flow on the right and fast flow on the left lol
  • My left is a failure!
  • @usplus2 what things have u tried?
    @captivated @starrxoxo9 uh these stupid left boobies lol my left one can get so full n my right feel so light n when I pump I still get more outta the right.
    @mommyfor3 @ta2edblondie does ur baby go to the left side more?
  • Lol and what's funny is before I got preggo my left boob was the big one!! Haha now its smaller but I'm not bf anymore so they're both just flat :/ lol!
  • I use right side when she is really hungry and left more at night when it is just for comfort
  • @starxoxo9 lol well i've always loved my breast n I pray mine dont start looking like flat raisins, lol. I wonder is there away to prevent that from happening? Maybe exercise?
  • I don't think so unfortunately. But I'm pretty sure its pregnancy that causes them to lose their shape, not breastfeeding. That's what I've heard anyway. When I went back on the pill they plumped up a little, but they're definitely worn out lol.
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