hmmm no period yet not pregnant.. whats up? **NEVERMIND. STARTED*

edited May 2012 in Health
Finally started 2 weeks late. Maybe my body knew I wanted my period date to change for when hubby comes home on r&r

Ok pretty sure I'm over a week late. I haven't had sex in approx 138 days. Lol. My husband is deployed, I have a count down.
Our son will be 6 months May 16th. I've had my periods in dec, jan, feb, march and april. Where the heck is mays?? I exclusively breastfeed and heard some bf moms don't get periods. But I did at first.

So is it a bf thing, or is something causing it? My mom said it could be do to stress. I've been highly stressed b4 and nvr had a problem. And granted I'm taking care of our son alone and he's deployed, I don't feel stressed. Just BORED!

Thoughts, opinions? (I am calling my family doctor Monday. Just curious now)


  • edited May 2012
    Mine did that it came them stopped coming but when I came back it came with a vengeance!!! Lol
  • My first few periods were all over the place never the same time each month
  • I EBF too and I noticed the months where growth spurts happened (ie. 4, 6 months) I had a slight delay in my cycle. Is your LO going through a growth spurt. Did LO have a growth spurt when you missed a month?
  • edited May 2012
    oops I didnt missed FEB and march. I havent skipped any yet.
    Mason is ALWAYS growing. non stop. He was born 9lb 2 oz and is now over 20lbs. So not rly sure. lol. He's in 18 to 2t clothes.

    My periods have always been like 2 days off. Say I started the 1st of jan, in feb it'd be on the 3rd @navybabyonway

    @newmomma13 I usually cramp about 5 days before I start my period. I was cramping 2 weeks ago.
  • I would talk to a doctor if I were you. :)
  • @AishaMusa yup I'm going to call him Monday. I need to have a check up anyways.
  • Are you taking any bc? I know that I'm on the mini pill and ebf. One of the side effects is lose of periods. My periods last like 24 to 48hrs and they are def not heavy, all i have to wear is a panty liner. It didn't start doing that till like Feb, which had been like 2 months that I had been on the pill. Mine come every 2 weeks tho but that's normal for me.
  • Funny...I was just wondering the same thing. I didn't get my 1st pp period until my daughter was 10.5 months old. Then we had a condom mishap and I took morning after pills (had some spotting right after). Then, I had a period (on the lighter side) 2 weeks later. That was almost 2 months ago and we haven't had sex since the mishap. Idk if its because I still bf or if its cause I'M slightly underweight, or.... Long story short, as soon as my son wakes up from his nap I'm going to the store to buy a preg test!!!
  • Nope no bc. Hubby being deployed for a year is all the bc I need. lol @trixiesmom8

    @Math_Mommy oh man. You taking it in the morning?
    We never used condoms. Even when we weren't 'trying' to have a baby. Finally after 10 months of me wanting one he said ok lets try to have one, bam pregnant 1 month later. Like his spermies knew no to go towards the egg till they got the o.k. lol
  • Lol very true. Didn't know when your hubby deployed and when you had your lo if they crossed or if there was down time lol.
  • We did get a chance to have sex before he left. He left when baby mason was 5 weeks old. But I'd be 5 months pregnant! lol. I would KNOW if I was pregnant. Sheesh I'd think so. Mason moved like crazy and I gained soo much weight. @trixiesmom8

    I HAVE A DOCTOR APPOINTMENT THIS THURSDAY AT 8AM :-ss doubt anything is wrong. But I hate not knowing.
  • Lol I hope you would know you were prego lol. Keep me updated on how your apt goes.
  • @trixiesmom8
    Started my period yesterday morning. haha.. Its so strange. Its never been late before!

    @Math_Mommy Did you take a pregnancy test yet or start?
  • Well that's good you got an answer lol
  • Sorry I haven't checked back in ...but yes, I started on the 13th (shortly after I posted). Whew, good thing too because my 2 little ones are taking every ounce of energy I have!!!
  • Oh and BTW, this was only my 3rd pp period (and my daughter is 13 months). I still nurse her 2-3X/day...proof positive that bfing can totally mess with a woman's cycle...
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