cant get rid of this

So since my son I've tried to sell his clothes but everytime i had a garage sale everyone was looking for girl stuff so pretty much took all the yellow and green stuff.. I'm stuck with all his clothes!! I'm organizing the closets and i just don't know where the HELL to put it anymore I have hefty bags full of clothes and boxes too.. not to mention I live in an apartment. I'm really going to be pissed if I have a boy and have to keep it all -___- I want to dump it and buy new clothes.. its taking up too much room


  • Take it to a thrift store
  • Ah man I run into the opposit problem! I look for boy stuff and all there is is girl items everywhere.

    I agree, take it to a thrift shop.
  • I think I'm going to try that guys I'm fed up
  • Or look for a resale event in your area google search just between friend and the other one that I know of is rhea Lana you set the price if the stuff yourself.
  • Consignment store/resale shops will take them and then up get the $ off the ones that sale, or some buy them from you themselves. Alot take toys, baby furniture, bouncers, car seats, etc. if your not looking really for $ you can always donate through churches, crises centers, etc that goes to people/babies that really need it.
  • Save em until u know if ur having a boy or girl. If getting rid of em... Call a local church and ask if they know a mom in need of baby boy clothes... Maybe a teen mom in need or something.
  • Wish you were in vegas i would take um off your hands! i dont have anything for this baby.
  • All sizes.. my son is 6 so i dont have anything left from when he was a baby..
  • Where do you live? @Mom2ING
  • And how much.. cause we are haveing a very hard time just eating right now..
  • And for the clothes? @Mom2ING
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  • You are hevem sent really!!! i have been stressing so bad about what am i going to dress my baby in. He almost here and still dont have anything!! thankyou so much!!!
    I dont know how to inbox can i just the address here? @Mom2ING
  • Before you donate to a thrift store, try to get in contact with your local women's shelter. There are always mothers in desperate need that don't have a dollar to their name.
  • Its 1617 Cordoba ln apt.B Las Vegas, NV 89108
    Again thank you so much you dont know how much this will help!! Like i said we are haveing a very hard time just eating right now!
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