Will jumpers last longer than excersaucers (sp)

edited May 2012 in Babies
I think madison (7 months) is getting too long for her excersaucer, does the jumper go shorter so her legs arent scrunched and does your lo enjoy jumping?


  • @kristaf22 thank you for your input! I feel like madison gets bored rotating from saucer to stomach to sitting to playing with me, but if he's bored with it already then it may not be worth it
  • My lo has been jumping in her jumperoo since 4 months. She loved it! She's 10 months now and while she doesn't go in it much anymore, she still enjoys it from time to time. Her absolute love for it in the beginning makes it soo worth it!
    I would get one, you can always try craigslist. Her legs became so strong and it was great exercise.
  • My lo loves his Jumperoo too! He's been jumping in it for over 4 months now and still loves it! And it's adjustable!
  • Does you exersaucer break down so they can stand and play? I completely forgot mine did until the other day. Robby was also tired of standing in one place and rotating. But now he loves standing and trying to walk around to play.
  • My son is a jumparoo baby, lol hes been in his since 3 months and its been the best investment! We did buy an excersaucer at a second hand shop to give him something different to do but he still loves to jump and his legs are super strong, its also more height adjustable than the excersaucer.
  • My daughter is 7 1/2 months and still loves her jumper she doesn't have an exersaucer tho..
  • My daughter is almost 6 months and LOVES her jumperoo more than the saucer!
  • My son will be 8 months tomorrow & LOVES his jumperoo :D we've had it since 3 months. It made his legs so strong!
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