lillys having a rough day and i feel like a shit mom :(

edited May 2012 in First time moms
She's 9 months (today actually) and usually so chill. She only cries when she's super hungary, sleepy or board but that's all. She sleeps from 8-6am really great all night. This morning she woke and has been crying almost non stop.she faught me to eat breakfast (usually a big meal for her). She's down to about 17oz of formula a day cause she won't eat more then that, but she eats baby food and finger food like a champ. No fever but she just stares at me and moans momma :( she will only say momma if she's super miserable or hurts herself :( I just feel like shit cause I don't know how to help :( I know she's teething and a molar is coming soon (I can see the white and feel it). *sigh* at least the dog makes her smile today. Sorry so long just a little flustered, she snoozing now


  • aww we have all been there but u r a good mum! its horrible seeing our babies upset and not themselves but hopefully it wont last for long! keep smilin :-)
  • Girl mine is the same way today!! She usually sleeps all night (we were up twice last night with her), she only cries when she is hungry or bored (she's been fussy and winey all day. I think mine is teething though.. but I've done everything I can to help her, it just isn't enough.. Poor little things. Hope your daughter feels better soon!
  • Thanks ladies @1stwoodsbaby and @denois for responding. Her dad just told me she was moaning all night too and he went to check her she was on her belly, she never sleeps on her belly :( I don't know how I didn't hear her, he's gotten up to check on her maybe 5 times..its always me. I just didn't hear her :( I wanna kill him tho! I told him he should have woken me up if she was moaning and uncomfortable. Could have at least tried to help her. He's just like 'oh yeah well she was pretty warm too'. Duhh..a** the poor kid or at least wake her Mom up so she feels like someone gives a shit that she's having a tough time :( sorry again just so so frustrated right now. I could have helped her so she slept better and had a good day but I didn't even wake up :( mother of the year..right here..
  • I was going through this yesterday! My son will be 8 months tomorrow. Ugh it was horrible :( he didn't have a fever, had a clean diaper, would fight eating his food (formula & baby food), & he didn't want me to hold him. He's like that today also..I feel like he doesn't like me :(
  • @clope18 I feel the same way :( nothing I do helps, she just moans at me and chews fingers :( I know she's hurting but I can't help. She likes the dog more then me today. Hope it passes..for both of us
  • Hang in there momma. Try doing stuff to distract her, like go for a walk, to à mall or post in front of a mirror.
  • aww dont be hard on yourself! u werent to know she had woken! we need rest to anf obviously u were so tired u didnt wake! if she doesnt have a temp or anything she sld be fine! she may just be tired! dont let yourself get stressrd tho cos she will pick up on it and she will be sad ur sad! x
  • Thanks @natashalynn we did have errands to run and she was distracted by stores. She's always a good baby when were out, she just likes to watch everything :)
    @mom2ing I did end up giving her some tylenol (I hate doing that, feel like I'm drugging her) but it didn't help :( maybe I didn't give her enough tho cause the bottle said for 24 pounds to give 5 mls..she's 18 so I gave her 4 but maybe it wasn't enough cause it didn't seem to do anything for her.
    @2ndbutfirst I did try to distract her, usually that works for her too! She loves her swing that's out back and that almost always help her..get some sun shine, she swings, we talk about sounds she can hear and smells she can smell but even that seemed to frustrate her yesterday :( she just hated me and the house too lol. We left to run errands and she was chill like always again
    @denois thanks for making me feel better! I tried hard to keep cheery for her and she did end up being tired all day, she just hates naps during the day! She's too nosey to sleep when life is happening lol but she did catch a nap on the 30 min ride to town and I think that help some :)

    *update* she's back to her sweet self today! She had a dr apt yesterday and she's 18 pounds and 29 inches :) healthy as a horse but he said her gums are turning blue where the teeth are coming but its normal, just prolly hurts (I knew this and duh lol thanks captain obvious). She's right back on track tho happy as a clam! Thanks mommys for the advice and help! I was so stressed and I feel a lot better today :)
  • glad shes better:-)
  • If it makes you feel any better I have 3 kids and the third is going to kill me I'm sure lol. He DOESNT sleep at all lol. At the moment he is up every hour and a half at night.
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