Thanks girls! Waiting to be called. I'm so anxious. I think I'm going to have to refuse a bp today. Lol it's not going to be a good number. I'm a wreck. Oooommmmm.
So, baby measures 6+3 and I was supposed to be 7+2 by dates, but it has a heartbeat! Follow up US in 3 weeks to be sure everything is progressing. I'm relieved to see a baby in there. You ladies have kept me optimistic! XOXO
Aww yay!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! So is your due date January 5ish ppl are off by a few days all the time it just may not have attached quick so the measurements are not anything to worry about soo happy for you!
@GraysonsMommy the US put my due date as 1/6/13 but since my son was a preemie, I'm not putting too much stock in it. As long as this baby keeps growing, I'm very happy.
yay! I know I was nervous to go to my u/s because he measured me between 8-9. But I was thinking it would be 9-10. My lmp I would have been may 22 but in reality with later ovulation im due june 5th. Its a tricky and scary thing!! Again congrats!
@BabyLuv8 well having two blighted ovums in a row, I wasn't worried about baby measuring big or small. I was worried there wouldn't be a baby at all! So seeing this and the heartbeat, priceless. I guess I'm okay being a week behind. Lol @RedShadoe0 yep, I was wondering why I didn't get a text back from you, but then saw you posted here so I wasn't worried. And OF COURSE I texted you first.
thanks for all the support @jnlelrod @Mama_Kat @jennalynne87 @Mrz_Jackson @sophiasmom11 @BabyLuv8 @captivated @Jazzie @blessedtimes2 @drgonzo523 @Lourdes26us1 @candy101 @Molly @denois @willowthewisp THANKS TO YOU ALL >:D<
@RedShadoe0 yep, I was wondering why I didn't get a text back from you, but then saw you posted here so I wasn't worried. And OF COURSE I texted you first.