My little man is growing up!!

edited May 2012 in Babies "First's"
My baby boy is finally getting his first tooth!!! He was chewing on my finger when i noticed a sharp point on his bottom gum! I'm so excited for him :) I EBF too so... yea nursing him from now on should be fun lol. He will be 8 months on June 2nd!


  • Its exciting, isn't it? My daughter is cutting her first one right now too. She just turned 7 months. Its taken a long time for this to happen.. Her little gums have been swollen for weeks and the little sharp corner has been poking through for 2 days. Has your son been fussy or have you noticed any other signs??
  • My 7 month old is getting his 3rd!! Bottom 2 were a breeze for him, top however arent :(
  • My daughter will be 8 months the 28th and is working on her 4th its right there but hasn't broke the skin yet. She has done very well with teething so far :)
  • Thats exciting . Mine has 2 and my husband calls him his little vampire. If it comes in chewing range u might lose it lol.
  • @1stwoodsbaby it is quite exciting! The last few nights he has been waking up in the middle of the night and that's not normal for him. So i figured he was prolly getting some chompers! @sophiasmom11 @candy101 @chelcie89 @firsttymemom @starxoxo9 Yalls babies already have a few teeth! And im glad bfing hasn't been a problem!
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