edited May 2012 in Sleep
Keegan is 7 months old and has always been a WONDERFUL sleeper! She has been sleeping through the night since was 2 months old.. usually sleeps 10-12 hours every night without waking up. We have never done anything special to make her sleep.. just a bedtime bath then a cereal bottle and she sleeps like a champ.

WELL NOT ANYMORE!! The past week she has decided she doesn't want to sleep at night anymore. She still takes her normal naps, but thats all. She will NOT sleep at night anymore. She will take her bath, drink her cereal bottle, fall asleep for about 30-45 mins and then she is up FOR HOURS! Originally I thought it was because she is cutting her first tooth, but when she wakes up she is happy. She isn't fussy, in pain, hungry... she just wants to be awake.

What in the world is going on?? Why won't she sleep anymore? I need my sleep! I'm 21 weeks pregnant.. her going and going and going during the day time (she is a crawler now) is wearing me out.. and then not getting to sleep at night isn't working out for me.


  • This is what I found staring at me when I heard some movements coming from the baby monitor tonight... needless to say its time to move the mattress down to the lowest level.

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  • McKinley tends to do that when she's accomplished something big. When she rolled over, when she crawled, when she pulled herself up. She was so jazzed about her new skill she wanted to do it all the time, and show off.
    Keep her stimulated during the day, push back bed time and shorten naps. But it'll be a phase that goes away eventually!
  • @natashalynn Gah I hope so. I'm pooped. lol! We play ALLL day long.. even played in the sun in her pool today hoping that would wear her down.. no such luck. I hadn't thought of shortening her naps. I'll definitely try that tomorrow!! Thank you! & that is sooo cute about her wanting to show off her newly acquired talent. I hadn't thought about that. She has just learned how to really get good at crawling, and how to go from laying on her stomach to sitting up by herself.
  • @2ndbutfirst Keegan will usually go back to sleep the first hour that she wakes up if I rock her back to sleep but after that first initial hour, there is no getting her back to sleep until she's good and ready and decides she wants to.
  • Try taking her in the stroller & walking in a park or mall. The stimulation of everything around her can be very tiring for her, without too much effort on your part!
  • @natashalynn Good idea! Thank you! I'll be trying that out.
  • my little one was exactly the same! slept through from 1month old and then hit 7months and was wakin up and not settlin all night!
    in the end he went from 3naps a day to one and i upped his milk intake so he was fuller through the night! seemed to work and within a week or so he was sleepin again! although he now gets up at 6am instead of 7! but i can handle that if he sleeps all night!
  • Riley is 6 and half months and has been doing this for the last few weeks. First it was his teeth, but he cut two now, then it seemed he was having a growth spurt. Now that has settled he seems to just be in the habit. He has started to drop a bottle this last week as his food intake has increased but it has sent his routine right out, its like having a newborn all over again, feel like I'm demand feeding, no real schedule! Aah! I feel for you being pregnant too! Hope she settles soon (the photo is super cute by the way!)
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