Going to church...

edited May 2012 in Babies
I can tell you now she isn't going to be able to stay in the nursery, her seperation anxiety is really bad right now (7months) but i want to start going to church again. We're church of christ and we're trying a new church out. Should we wait until she starts daycare (august) so she wont drive everyone crazy and will be used to being away from me? Or i know babies go in all the time, what are some tips to keep her quiet? Snacks for sure but all her toys rattle or make noise
Thanks in advance!


  • Omg we r in the same boat. I went to bible study last night n was in class for 2 min (literally) n had to leave class bc the nursery workers couldn't get Kay to calm down. Idk what to do bc she doesn't take a paci n I seriously need to go to church n learm something. Btw I go to church of christ too.
  • @taytay i think i would be ok taking her to the service but i cant take her to sunday school :/ she's gonna flip
  • Most church's have like an over flow room or a room for nursing mothers/ crying children. Maybe see if they have that? I know it's frustrating! If I take Damien into service with me, I don't hear the service at all. Luckily he sil goes to the nursery with no problems at 6 months.
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